Monday, April 14, 2008

flippin out!

I'm starting to get a bit anxious about all the moving stuff. I hate that I can't pack up our stuff that we need to take with us because we still have a week of "regular" life. Meaning hubby still has to work, Hot Shot is still in school, etc. I'm doing all the "little" things I can, but I really just hate it looming in the distance. I want it to be Saturday already so I can start really working on stuff. Oh well...can't change that, so I need to be happy and just enjoy my last week here. Which I do plan on doing!!

I've got lots of lunches and fun stuff going on for both me and the boys to see people before we head out. And then Friday night we are going to the ball! YEA! I can't wait. My parents will be here, and we are going all out. Should be a good time. I don't have any pictures for today (as you can see) but I will have lots from next weekend I am sure!!

This weekend was nice, we didn't do anything really picture-worthy but we had a nice laid back family weekend. Saturday we shopped for various things that we needed, and took the boys to play at the mall while I shopped for more stuff there. Sunday was a nice slow day, I had two picture shoots, and then just hung around the house with the little one while the hubs took hot shot to the park for some play time. The munchkin has been running a fever. Hopefully nothing serious. We go to the doctor this afternoon, so I'll keep you posted.

I have to run. It's time to go get my little apple from school and then back home for lunches and then off to the doctor. It's one of those days when we are just go go go! I hope you all had a great weekend!!

love kp


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed that the little one is feeling better and it was no big issue at the Dr.

It sneaks up on you and then punches you in the face...the whole move thing that is! NE is going to be a great new adventure for ya'll though!

Love you!

Anonymous said...

just checking in for some updates and your doing quite well these days even with the hectic move and all. well hope mason is ok, and well just saying hi and of course have fun at the ball. and only one more week left there! wow, where does the time go? wowwww ! pretty soon youll be in Nebraska, crazy!