Friday, May 30, 2008

Still here

In case you were wondering we were not swept away by the tornadoes that ripped through Nebraska (and Kansas and Iowa) last night. Thankfully because of where we are located in the state, the "system" that allows them to form usually breaks up right before it gets to us, just giving us lots of rain. So, while we did have a night full of thunderstorms, it wasn't anything too crazy.

Today is a busy one for us. When the little guy wakes up from his morning nap we are heading out to the store, and drop our money off for our rent payment, then home for lunch, and hopefully some good naps (for the boys) so I can get my baskets of laundry folded and put away! I'm hoping to go to the pool to swim laps if the hubs gets home early enough from work, and then tonight is Sex in the City night! Yea! I can't wait to see it.

Okay, well I should run, I know this is short, but that's okay, it still counts, which means I met my goal and posted every day this week! YEA FOR ME! Although, Sam I think you are the only one reading these days, and I talk to you everyday anyway...but that's okay. I like to have it so that I can go back and see what I was doing. Okay...enough rambling.

Have a great weekend folks!


Kristen said...

She isn't the only one reading! I just usually have a baby on my lap which makes it very difficult to type! Keep writing. Glad to hear all is well.

Anonymous said...

I don't have hardly any readers either but who cares?! LOL

Nice chatting today, sorry I was so hurried but we'll connect on webcam soon! Love you!

Anonymous said...

ok so i might be alittle late, but i am reading! :) haha, so good to talk to you tonight, i know its been long overdue. we need to do it again soon. oh and the tornados, glad to hear your ok! and well its weird they have been like forming around the sawmill area lately....weird. they usually dont come around here either, they usually break up before getting close or stay pretty much in the country areas....bizzaro.