Thursday, June 5, 2008

changing things up

So...I've changed my template...what do you think?? Really I wanted to make something cool all on my own and make it all cute and fancy, but there is just never enough time for me to sit down and come up with something, so I just picked a new on out of the already made templates...

Also, not that you are all that interested, but I have my training log up, and you can click on it and see what I have been up to. I'm sure you probably don't care all that much, but thought I'd just throw that out there.

This morning the kids and I went to check out the MOM's club for our area. It was great, a lot like the one we were a part of in Kingsland, so I figure we will join up with them and that way will be able to keep our calendar busy. Lots of little guys that were around the elders age, so that is good.

Okay, well it's short and sweet for me today. I went running this AM because we are supposed to get more storms this afternoon so I didn't want to wait and then not be able to go. Running in the AM is great, it's just hard to get out of bed and WAKE up so I can run and be back before the husband has to go to work. Okay, well hope you all have a great afternoon and evening and I'll catch ya tomorrow. (just a quick note...this is ALMOST two weeks that I have posted every day!!)


Kristen said...

Hey lady! I was just thinking about you. I saw the red box over NE again on the new and was wondering how you guys were doing. Good to see you post.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed coffee and webcam again this morning! I could get used to this! Jared says "so we can talk to Caleb on the computer WHENEVER WE WANT?" Uh, within reason son. :)

I like this template! But I still want to do your header with your "multi tasker" picture. :)