Thursday, July 10, 2008

and this makes two...

Two posts in one day that is...I know crazyness has officially taken over! Actually I'm sick. And not just "oh I have a little cold" sick...I'm really sick. I feel like I'm going to fall over every time I stand up, I have a fever, chills, aches, you name it. Sooooooo I am stuck in bed. I've been sleeping for most of the afternoon after hubby got home, but now I am in bed, bored because I have quarantined myself as to not get the kids sick again, so I figured I would update you all.

Needless to say I didn't go running tonight. I considered doing a light workout, maybe the pool but that was before the fever. It has been hanging around 102 and I can't get the damn thing to break. It goes down but not away. When big C goes to bed Mr. M will head out and get me some nyquill and hopefully that will knock it out, or at least knock me out!!

Grrr I hate being sick. I always feel so worthless, and I hate sitting around but am too tired and weak to get up and do anything...booo.

Okay, well this filled up a few moments...I'm off again. Hope you all have a good night and a great weekend.


Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Thats the pits! :( Sending lots of chicken soup and resting vibes! Love ya!

Thom said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

You've been tagged...check my blog!