Saturday, August 9, 2008

Run Kel Run

Well, I did it! I ran my 15 miles this AM! It went well and I was happy with my outcome! If you want to read about it just go click on my training log off to the right. I had my phone with me so I took a few pictures along my way so you all could see some of the sights here. There aren't many because I really tried not to stop.

This first picture is just as I started off. This is one of my favorite places to run, the trail is a 5K loop and it runs around a little lake. It's always so pretty there, but this morning it was amazing as the sun was coming up!

This is the park is where I stopped to fill up my water bottles around mile 6.5 - it's another pretty place, but the trails there aren't very long.

This is what much of the run looks like - lots of fields with corn and other crops.

Okay so that was my run, hope you enjoyed it. The best part of it was the end though, the hubs and my boys were waiting for me at the park where I finished, and that was the best sight of all! After the run we went for breakfast, then I came home and iced my's a shot of me doing just that!

Okay, well that's pretty much been my day! The kids and I napped together, well they napped, I tried to but couldn't sleep. I went to the store, and then fixed supper. We've just been hanging out watching the Olympics. I baked some yummy treats this week, so I'll post those Tuesday! Okay...well I think we are heading out to go visit with the neighbors. Catch ya'll later!


blunoz said...

Good job on the run! I've never run that far. The longest I've run is a few 10K's.

The cinnamon rolls and the fajitas looked awesome, too, btw.

I'm going to try and remember to ask you for that turkey burger recipe when we get settled at the other end of this PCS move to Virginia. My wife would really like it if I would cook something once in a while, so I thought I'd try to make the turkey burgers sometime.

Kristen said...

Awesome Job on the run!!! Go you! Love the pictures. It looks beautiful. I especially love the last one! Can't wait to see more food pics. Oh, and I want the recipe for the cinnamon rolls!

Anonymous said...

Great job speed demon! You look much happier in your ice baths than I do in mine! (which is where I am now! ha ha!) Looks like pretty scenery, always makes the runs better. Hope ya'll enjoy your family visit today and thanks for the text!

Anonymous said...

Ice baths what the heck? I didn't know anything about ice baths, 15 miles thats insane. when is this marathon you speak of? how awesome to accomplish something like that. the scenery is beautiful and the last picture is great, loves it gra!