Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday's Tid-bits

First let me start off with this. As most of you are very aware I am running in the Marine Corp Marathon this October, and have decided to join up with Samantha and Carrie (two other ladies running MCM) to do a bit of fundraising. We are raising money for two really great organizations, and I am proud to be part of this team. So, if you want to check it out, and feel that you can help please do so HERE!! Thanks in advance for checking it out. is grocery store day - meaning choices are slim around here, but as usual I do have stuff to bake with, so this morning I whipped up some Lemon Ricotta Pancakes with Blueberry Syrup for the boys (all three of them!) and as you might figure they were a hit. I found the recipe here. These turned out great...AND they are low in fat - but you wouldn't know it from the taste of them! I still stuck to my sensible breakfast of Kashi with plain FF yogurt, but I did drizzle a bit of the blueberry syrup on for some sweetness! YUMMY!

almost ready to enjoy

Here they are...

Mmmmm...don't they look yummy. I did have a nibble or two, and they were very good! And, the batch is rather large, so I have some individual servings in the freezer for breakfast another day! Bonus!

Later in the morning the boys and I met up with some friends at the park up the street from us. It was good to let them get out and run around, and it wasn't too hot here today, which was nice. Now they are napping (whoo hooo) and after this I am going to finish up our grocery list. That's what we will be doing when they wake.

Not much going on other than that. I can't believe it's already Thursday...where does the week go?? Okay well I'm off to work on that grocery list! Hope you all have a wonderful day and if I'm not back tomorrow have a fabulous weekend!


Anonymous said...

OMG those pancakes are to die for! We must be on the same wavelength, yesterday I made lemon ricotta w/ almond muffins for my crew! Sadly, my camera is donefor. So no pix.

Did you get your grocery trip out of the way?

Anonymous said...

yummy breakfast, i cant come to your blog anymore every time i do i get hungry and wisht hat i was eating the good food you make. so are you totally going to cook for me like that when i come visit? cause this is what i am coming for you know...reading all these entries. haha :) jk. anyhow...i still need to look for some tickets, but i have the all clear from the boss lady and the hubs, cause i gotta make sure the doggies are well taken care of. which is only done right by me, but i guess i can entrust him for four days. i was thinking thurs. to sunday if thats cool and def. the 17th time frame. that is the weekend i told work. alright gots to run on lunch dont have much time. byee

Anonymous said...

oh and i tried to click on your fundraiser link and it wont do anythign??? maybe its my computer, ill try later.

Anonymous said...

oh and i tried to click on your fundraiser link and it wont do anythign??? maybe its my computer, ill try later.

Anonymous said...

oh hey i just went on craigslist and found a cricut for $125, so maybe as an idea 7you might wanna check your area for one. you never know what you might find. maybe you can get a good deal. they are $300 new, so thats pretty good. :)