Sunday, October 5, 2008

What a weekend...

Wow, this weekend was BUSY!!! But we all had a great time. Sat started off nice, the boys "slept in" until 7 which was sooo nice, and then once we were up it was go-go-go! We had big kids soccer game, and his birthday party later that afternoon, so as you can imagine it was lots of running around and craziness in our house, but it was a good day. His game was fun, and the party turned out really great! We had it up at the park in our neighborhood, and aside from crazy strong winds, it was perfect. All the kiddos had a good time, and it was a nice afternoon.

Here are a few shots from the day. I took a lot, but here are a few so you can see. He wanted a Wall-E cake which you can sort of see in the first picture. I made it myself, so I'll be posting more pix tomorrow with my Tuesday at the Table post.

Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday

time for presents

No party is complete without a pinata!

The Birthday Boy!

Little brother

We also rented big kid his very own bounce house for the weekend and had all of the neighbor kids over to play on it Sunday afternoon. They all had a blast, but here is a picture of me with my kiddo right after we got it all set up! The thing was HUGE, but it was a lot of fun!

Sunday was also a busy day. I woke early and started out for my last 20 mile run before the marathon! It went well, and I was happy that my pace was a little more consistent than my first stab at the big 2-0. Hubby and the boys met me at the park I finished at and we all went to go eat. Then it was home to ice, shower and nap for me, the little one napped as well and hubs and big kiddo played out in the jump house with the neighbors. We took Hot Shot to his favorite place for dinner (Red Robbin) then it was home and to bed.

There you have it. I still can't believe my kiddo is 4...that's just crazy!! It's been a great four years - being a mom is quite the adventure, but it's worth the ride! So - to my Hot Shot: Happy Birthday and I LOVE YOU!!!

straight out of "the oven"

Four years later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics...looks like a super fun party! Happy Birthday to the big guy!

Enjoy Taper!