Thursday, January 14, 2010's Thursday??

All day long I have just been so off. This first week back to the "real world" is killing me. Which I realize is pretty sad, but wow. Take three weeks off of a normal schedule and getting back to it can be a rough. I think the boys are feeling it too. Today they are both SUPER tired, but that's good because I'm thinking it will be an early bedtime so I can enjoy my Thursday night TV. :)

Sorry I was gone yesterday, it was a busy day. I decided in the AM to (finally) take the boys and check out the library as well as the story time they do there in the AM. I figured it would be pretty easy to go in, pick up a library card, and be done with it...I figured wrong. I don't know if every where is the same, but here they don't just hand over library cards. First they had to check my address to see if I was within the city limits (otherwise its a 40 dollar a year fee). She found our house in limits but I guess there was an issue because we don't OWN the house - we just rent so I mentioned that I was military to see if that counted for anything - thankfully it did, but we had to start all over in the process. Crazyness. Thankfully they did decide me worthy of a card and we are now on our "trial" period - which means we can only have three books at a time as opposed to the normal 20. I tell you what, this checking out books business is serious stuff *chuckle*. :)

After that was all said and done, the boys and I joined in the story hour that they have there, which was a very good program. I think we will make that part of our weekly routine! The big kid really enjoyed it, and I think once our little one figures out I won't be leaving him there, he will warm up to it as well.

All week I have made a pretty pitiful attempt to be productive, but today it finally kicked in. I'm getting laundry done, changed sheets, even got to the gym this am for a run! I'm thinking of signing up for a 1/2 marathon in May - but am going back and fourth on the decision. I'm giving myself until Monday night to mull it over. I know I can do the miles, it's some other stuff that really isn't even running related holding me back, but I'm praying for clarity and hopefully it will come!

Alright, I should run. I have multiple loads of laundry calling my name to fold as well as other things. No pictures or recipes for today, but maybe tomorrow. We're doing Breakfast for Dinner tonight and I'm trying out a new pancake recipe, so if it turns out I'll make sure to let you know!

Hope you all have a nice evening - later.


Sam S. said...

Hope your prayers for some clarity help a little. Good luck if you choose the half! Which one is it? If you don't, just enjoy doing whatever you're doing. I saw on your fb you got a mag trainer...are you liking it?

Glad to see you posting again, love seeing your updates!

Kel said...

It's actually the hubs trainer - he got it for Christmas, but I do like it. It's nice for days that I can't get to the gym.

Anonymous said...

haha yah when i went to get mine i was quite surprised as well. i had to bring in a utility bill and everything... but now since i am not on trial any longer i can check out more at time "phew" haha, good to see you back on here again! write me soon.