Monday, July 7, 2008

Running Kel

Well I was "tagged" by sam with this running survey and so I figured it would be a fun way to start off my blog week. I have lots to update about the weekend, but the hubs if off today as well so it still feels like the weekend. Come to think of it...there is a lot to tell you all about, but that will be another post at another time...on to the survey!

How would you describe your running 10 years ago?
Let's see, 10 years ago I was in-between my junior and senior year of high school and was spending the summer being a lifeguard. There wasn't any running involved!!!! I was the girl that used every excuse in the book NOT to run. I was a swimmer in high school and when we started our pre-season training I would always have a reason not to run.

What is your best and worst run/race experience?
Best: It's hard to pick one! I've only done 5 races total, and they all have something that made them great. But there are three that stand out as EXTRA special. So I'm going to go with the following:
  • Race for the Cure (2006): This was my first race ever and it was such a wonderful experience. Sam and I did this race together and it will always stand out as one of my favorite races. This was right after I got into running, and it was my goal race. At the time of the race I had only run 3 miles maybe one other time, and was very nervous and excited. I finished with my best ever 5K time (and I have yet to beat it). If you've ever been to any sort of race where you are raising money to help others, it's a really moving experience and so motivational to be there with all the fighters and survivors of breast cancer. Then there was the added bonus of having Sam there with me. She took off with running faster than I did and has always been my motivation to keep pushing and try my best, so it meant a lot to me that she was there with me. She finished a bit faster than I did and was the first one I saw after crossing the finish line greeting me with a big hug!!
  • Gate River Run (2008): This is the nations largest 15K held in Jacksonville, FL every year. I chose this one second for two reasons. The hubbie and I trained and ran this one together, which is something we don't get to do often. He was a sweetie and ran the whole thing next to me even though he's a good bit faster than I am, but he stuck with me and encouraged me the whole way through. It is also the longest race I have ever done. My cousin and a good friend of ours from back home also came in to join the fun, so it was a good time. Being able to say that I have finished this race is a great accomplishment and it's what makes me think I'll be able to push further and finish my marathon this fall.
  • Nebraska 5 (2008): This is a small 5 mile race not far from where I live and again I have two reasons for choosing this race. #1 is because I set my 5 mile PR and exceeded my goal in time!! But the coolest part was that for once I got to be the one encouraging someone along the way. About two miles in I synced up with a nice lady, we chatted and it turns out we had a similar finishing time. I had my garmin set to alert me if I dropped below where I wanted to be, so we stuck together. Around mile 4 she started to slow, but another lady and I kept her motivated. She crossed the finish line under her goal time and PR'ed by a min! She found me later and gave me a big hug and said thanks for my encouragement. That alone made this race one to remember.

Like Sam, I can't really say as I've had a BAD race. I've been lucky and they have all been good. But my least favorite would have been the Havelock 10K I did awhile back. It was a good time, and I enjoyed it, but it was SOOOO hot and humid that I didn't preform as well as I would have liked to. I met my goal, but not by much and I just didn't get that post-race glow that I have had in the past.

Why do you run?
I get asked this question a lot and to tell you the truth, I can't really pin-point an exact reason why. Do I enjoy it? Yes very much so. It's my "me time". The time I get to be on my own, alone with nothing but the world around me and the tunes in my ear (if I choose to have them). I love to run outside where I can enjoy the great outdoors. I like to be able to get lost in my own thoughts without any interruptions. Running keeps me fit, and it sets a good example for my kids. I can run anywhere as long as I've got my shoes and a good pair of running shorts. It keeps me motivated, always striving to do my best and make that extra mile. It gives me a sense of accomplishment after I finish a run, or meet my weekly goal. And I am now finally at the point that on my days off I miss running and look forward to my weekend long runs.

What is the best or worst piece of advice you’ve been given about running? Best advice: Sam's approach to making an ice bath as pleasant as possible! Haha: seriously that is good advice. And then something a guy in my distance clinic told me the other day. I am the slowest in the group. And no, I'm not exaggerating. But I have actually come to be proud of that because even though I am not as fast as the others I don't give up. I keep pushing and strive to be better. Sorry...tangent. Anyway, two weeks ago I was about a 1/2 mile from the end of my route when a guy that had run a longer route caught up to me. I moved over thinking he would pass but he stayed next to me. I mentioned that I was usually running alone due to my slower pace, and he said "Your pace is your pace, and you can't compare it to anyone but yourself. Everyone is different, so be proud of your pace, because it's yours. And you are out running which is more than a lot of people can say." I can't say why, but that really stuck with me and I think it's good advice.
Worst: I don't know that I've been given any bad advice. Although once I think someone said to push through the pain - no pain no gain, and I don't really believe that too much. I'm a big believer in listening to your body, and if it's telling you to put on the brakes, then do it!

Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know.
Hmmmm...I don't know. I'm pretty open, I say what I think (sometimes to a fault), I don't sugar-coat, and I tell it like it is, so that doesn't leave much in the way of surprises. Here ya go: I am TERRIFIED of falling/heights. I love to water/snow ski but the fear of falling makes it hard to ever do much beyond just the basics, not to mention riding up on those little ski lifts...EEK! Even something as simple as standing on a ladder makes my palms sweat. Same thing goes for balconies, diving boards, glass get the idea.

Rules of the game: I am now supposed to tag 5 more people and get them to answer the questions. But I don’t think I even have 5 people that read this blog, and two of you have already done it! So....if you happen to stumble across my blog and you are a runner, go ahead and do this...if not oh well I hope you enjoyed it anyway!


Anonymous said...

I love it! Your answers are awesome! And your reasons are great!

Off to email you. Been MIA this AM with a dead phone...surprise surprise.

Thom said...

Good Survey there Kel.

Hope everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

ok so i am not a runner, but i read it anyhow and it was great. that little blurb that the guy told you that was a nice thing to say. other than that i cant bleive that you run that far, i cant even imagine not in my wildest dreams, and it still cracks me up that you would skip out on track and swimming and go to matt schaffer's house or mine and skip all the RUNNING! haha ... how things change.