Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The weekend in review!

Well this past holiday weekend was a busy one. The most exciting thing being our little one turned 1 year old!! So happy birthday munchkin!!

They grow up so fast... Sadly for the little one he wasn't too into his big day because he was sick with the stomach flu for part of the weekend. He was ok at his party, but I think he may have still not been feeling too great...he didn't even want cake. And my little guy likes to eat just about anything!

My parents were in town for the weekend as well, and we all had a nice visit. They arrived Thursday, so Thurs night the hubs and I actually got to go on a run together after dinner. I needed to do three so that's what we set out for. It was a little painful for both of us because we had just gone out for a big dinner with the fam, but we had fun anyway! Friday we spent most of the day relaxing around the house, playing with the kids and prepping for the party. Mom and I did a lot in the kitchen, and overall it was just a relaxing day. Here are a few pics, first off is the boys, then mom and I, the hubs enjoying his time off, and the puppies all decked out!

Of course Friday night we went to go catch some fireworks. It's tradition at our house, and around here you don't monkey with tradition!! Here are a few pictures of us waiting for the big show!!

Saturday morning Mom, Dad and I were up and out of here bright and early to get our miles in. My mom is training for the 3 day breast cancer walk! It's 60 miles total (20 each day). So they had 8 miles to walk sat and sunday morning, and I was set for 8!

My run went great. The past two long runs things have just gone wrong, and while they were all little things they all set me off my game a bit. But I really enjoyed my run saturday morning and am looking forward to this weekends run as well!!

Sunday was another laid back day due to the fact the little guys stomach flu had woken him up with a 103 + degree fever. He ended up having to go into the urgent care clinic just to make sure it was just the flu. So we relaxed around the house. My parents also left Sunday because they were spending Monday with my grandma who lives a few hours from here. We were supposed to go, but with the little one sick we stayed here yesterday.

Big kid and I went on a "date" yesterday afternoon. We went to see Wall-e and then out to dinner and BK. It was quite the night out! hehe. But we had a good time and I think he was happy to get a little one on one time with mom.

SOOOOO that is what we have been up to over the past few days. Just typing it out makes me tired. I hope I haven't bored you all too much, I know I tend to ramble...but that should come as no surprise to most of you. You all know how I leave phone messages...ha ha.

Well I'm gonna jet. There is laundry to put away and the boys are now up from quiet time which means me being on the computer isn't going to work for much longer! Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend and I'll check in again soon!


Kristen said...

I am so glad you guys had a nice visit. Happy 1st b-day baby Mason! Sorry to hear he was sick part of the time and I hope he feels all better soon. Love the pics!
ove ya,

Anonymous said...

I love your rambly phone messages! Seriously...when we were in KB and I'd go to clean off my machine once a month or so...like 95% of the messages started with "hey...it's me..." and probably 75% of those were you! (The rest the hubs)

Poor little guy, and now big guy. Sending lots of chicken soup vibes their way.

Love the pics...the whole fam looks wonderful! And kudos to your mom for doing the 3 day, AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

i love the pictures, the ones of you and the two boys are so clear and such good shots. the runs woah you rreally getting up there, all those miles. what a great job your doing. maybe if my lungs get better and healthier i can start running too :) well lets not get too ahead of ourselves here.haha :) i am just trying to get healthy one step at a time. walking the dogs is the extent of it these days since i had to quit the gym. but anyhow no wi am rambling, just like you. jk. i amhere to do some major comment posting and read read read cause i am missing out on so much these days, i try to catch up when i can. i hoep you like my comments~!

Anonymous said...

ok i think i am caught up now, so that you have it, miss ya and write me soon. oh and i just updated TONS so go look! bye

Thom said...

Awesome job on the run. Keep up the training. Looking forward to seeing you at MCM.

Awesome Pics. You have quite the cute kids.