Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday at the Table - full version

Tuesday at the Table:
Okay, so here are the pictures, but I'll blog about them tomorrow..deal?? Okay good...g'night!

Edited to add in the details!!

Okay, so here are the details that I didn't include last night because it was getting late and I have a bedtime these days. First of we have a veggie and cheese galette. I see these galette all over foodgawker and decided I was going to give one a try. Most are of the sweet variety with various fruits and berries, but I have seen a few of the savory category as well. I went with the latter. I had TONS of fresh veggies that I needed to use up from my last trip to the farmers market and figured this would be a good way to use them up. Here are the pictures, and I'll post my "recipe" below.

Summer Veggie Galette
What you need:
1 9" pie crust (make your own or use the kind that's already made - either way)
1-2 yukon gold potatoes
1/2-1 Tbsp olive oil
1 yellow squash (cut into rounds)
1 zucchini (cut into rounds)
1 small onion (sliced)
1/2 roasted red pepper
1/2 tomato (sliced)
1 cup shredded cheese (I used fontina)
salt and pepper
1 Tbsp milk
What to do:
Pre-heat oven to 400*F
1. In a large pot boil the potatoes about 20-25 min until tender
2. While potatoes are cooking saute onion, squash and zucchini in olive oil until they are soft. Sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper.
3. Shred your cheese and cut up your pepper and set aside
4. take prepared pie crust and place it on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
5. leaving about 2 inches around the edge, start layering veggies, starting with sliced potatoes, then the onions, squash, zucchini, and peppers. Next throw on about 1/2 the cheese. Layer with tomato slices, then sprinkle with remaining cheese. Fold the edges in making a "bowl" with the crust. (see picture) Brush pastry with milk
6. Bake for 40 min, remove and let rest for about 15-20. Dish up and enjoy!!
This can be made without the cheese if you would like. I only put cheese on the hubs 1/2 and my side turned out just fine. I just sort of threw this all together, so you could really use anything you wanted in the crust and it would be just as good! Enjoy!
As you all know I love to bake, and it had been awhile so when I saw this I just had to make it. My boys (all three of them) LOVE Oreo cookies, so this was an easy call!
fresh out of the oven

Frosted and ready to eat

Okay, so there you have it, this weeks edition of Tuesday at the Table. Sorry it was a bit late. I am still playing a bit of catch up from when I was sick last week, but I hope to be back soon with some updates and such. Hope ya'll are having a great week! love kp


Anonymous said...

The galette looks yummy! And your cake turned out much "prettier" than mine. Did your crew jump all over it?

Anonymous said...

looking mighty tasty as always, can you beleive it just one more month and a half sorta~ i have been slacking i am on vaca so i havent been on the comeputer much, but i might put up a new post here soon. :)bye cant wait to eat all your yummy food. :) yummmmm

Anonymous said...

wait wasnt this last tuesday? slacker, now i know why i have no comments. go to xanga hwen you come back to blog world and write me some comments on there. :) you knows i love them girl! byeee