Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday at the Table - and extra tid-bits

Okay, well at least I have been getting these posted if nothing else. Sorry folks...it's been, well busy like usual. BUT I have been SO very productive today, I am even getting the rest of the weeks posts done ahead of time!! How you may ask?? Blogger has this neat little "schedule" feature that lets me write posts and decide when they will actually BE posted. So make sure to check back tomorrow, and every day this week for your reading enjoyment.

However, I do have a few quick updates: I am getting my studio set up!!! I went and purchased lighting and reflectors, and backdrops, and so hopefully it should be up and running by mid October, AND my new website should be going live soon if the people ever get around to getting it up (note the hint of irritation in my voice). I'll keep you posted.

This week I will be attempting my first shot at a 20 mile run. EEK! I'm a little nervous because I'll be on my own sans running group (we're not meeting this week) so that will be different, but the hubby and the kids are going to meet me a few times along my route, so that will help keep my motivation and spirits up!

My B-day is Friday. Hubby has to work late (lock up duty) so it will be me and the boys, but we are celebrating as a family on Saturday night. Works for me :).

Okay, on to the eats. I made nothing on my list from last week...OOPS! However, I did manage to COOK this week. First off is chili. Friday was a very rainy somewhat cooler day so this was the perfect meal. Plus, hubby requested chili dogs for his b-day lunch on Sat, so this worked out for that as well. If you want my recipe feel free to email me. I think it changes every time, but the basics stay the same. This batch was one of my best yet! We served it up with mini cornbread loaves and all the fixin's.
The hubby made a happy face with his...haha


My other picture worthy item was the birthday cake I made for hubs. I used this recipe for the cake, and then did my own filling and icing. The filling was a raspberry white chocolate mixture and the icing was cream cheese (my FAVORITE). It turned out really nice, and we all enjoyed it (probably a little TOO much on my end!).

Okay, well that's it for me. Remember to cruise over to Sams blog to see what everyone else has cooked up this week! And...check back tomorrow for a NEW post...yes it WILL be there!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess that means I should actually post tonight?! LOL

Happy Bday Mr. Dish! The cake looks wonderful! And the chili. YUM! Reminds me to dig out mom's recipe and make it soon.

You'll do great on your 20! Remember, its just another number. You've put in the training and been smart enough to not push when your body needed rest. How cool that they're going to be your cheering section along the way...too cool!

WOOT WOOT on the studio! Even more reasons for people to hire you. Although I feel bad even suggesting that bludomain place. Sounds like their CS is less than stellar. :(

Wow...I'm writing like this is an email or something. Sorry bout that!

Anonymous said...

tell matt happy birthday for me will ya! he is finally 27 eh? haha :) he's such a youngin. oh and good luck on the 20 thas amazing kel, really go you! woo hoo. i have been not in a blogging, computer mood lately i have been hitting up the scrapbooking again lately and reading a ton. just thought id say hi. that cake looked YUMMY and i wanted a peice!