Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

So as I mentioned a few times, this past Friday was my birthday and it was a great one!!! It's a joke around here that if it's my birthday the hubby will either be out to sea or have duty - which this year was no exception - although on a MUCH smaller scale. Last week he had lockup duty all week which meant that he didn't get home until later than usual. But he WAS home which was great, and he made sure to make this birthday a great one. He hasn't been around for the last 4 birthdays so I guess he felt I deserved a little spoiling!

Friday he cooked dinner for us (fillet Mignon - YUM), potatoes, salad, etc. and bought a super yummy birthday cake for me. You can see a picture below. I also got to open all my presents. Some were some new cooking stuff from my parents, an espresso maker and necklace from hubby and the boys, and then my "Kel" day which I'll tell you about next. Here are a few pictures first.
Opening gifts...I have lots of help with this!

One of my little helpers...what a cheese

Birthday kisses!

My Cake - SOOOO GOOD!!!

I have help blowing out the candles as well :)

It tasted even better than it looks!!

So there are a few pictures for you. In addition to my gifts hubby set up a day just for me on Saturday! We did the soccer game, which was a blast by the way and big kid even scored two goals...however, one was for the other team, but that's okay, I'm proud of him!!! Then we went to the park for some family time. Then it was home so I could get ready for my day at the spa! He got me a spa package that included a massage, lunch, body wrap, facial, and pedicure!! It was SOOOOO nice. Just being able to relax in the quiet for hours! Then, when I got home I got to shower and get ready because he took care of getting a sitter so we could go out to dinner. His boss at work has two girls in college, and one was home for the weekend so he set it all up. I was so impressed, he had all of this planned for awhile, and kept it a secret until Friday when he told me what was going on. I have the best hubby!!! :)

Dinner was great. We haven't been on a date night since we moved here, so we were due! We went to this little Italian place downtown, sat outside and just enjoyed being out. We also got to watch some pretty entertaining people stroll by. Some of our favorites were the bachelorette party girls in 80's bridesmaids dresses, and then a male couple that was having a little lovers quarrel (sad for them, funny for us). It was a great day and night and such a nice break!

Then it was home after dinner and off to bed. Sunday I still got up and did my first 20 miler of my training! It was slow going but I did it and I am actually anxious for the next one (weird I know).

So, that was our weekend in a wrap. The only downside was Friday I drove off with my cell phone on top of the car and now its smashed somewhere on the road. SO - I am currently without, but one should be one the way in a week or so.

I also want to give my girl Sam a big shout out for PRing at her half marathon this weekend and breaking the 2 hour mark!! Way to go girl!! :) Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and I'll be back tomorrow with TatT!


Thom said...

Awesome Job on the run!!!
My 18 miler was tough as well!! My legs are telling me all about it today.

blunoz said...

Happy birthday, and congrats on the 20 mile run!

Anonymous said...

oh and the entertainment at your dinner sounds fun! and funny!