Saturday, August 15, 2009


So I just remembered that I promised more pictures from our night at the rodeo...I realize it's been awhile, so I'm sorry about that, but here they are. Better late than never eh??

Here is one of the three of us before the rodeo started. And as I think I mentioned before, yes, it was July, and yes we were in jeans. That weekend we hit record lows and so I think it was in the 60's that night. However, the next week or so it was back to highs in the 100's so we weren't "chilly" for long. Anyway...moving on.

The big kid with his snow cone. He insisted on wearing his finest cowboy gear to the rodeo after the trip to the fair earlier in the week.

My silly little boys...trying to get a good picture of the two of them together is never an easy job, and usually doesn't work out quite how I planned...oh well. They are still cute.

At the petting zoo again

We got to "meet" some of the horses on our way out. The boys loved the bull riding and calf roping. We had a great time.

So far this weekend has been pretty laid back. It rained most of the day, so we stayed inside and played. I cleaned and went to the gym for a very short stint. We all did a little quiet time this afternoon, and then around 4 our friends dropped their little girl off to hang with us so they could go to a movie to celebrate Glenn's b-day. It was fun having her here and the three of them wore each other out. Now my little ones are fast asleep, and I'm heading downstairs to watch a movie with the hubby. I'm going to TRY and get my butt up early to go for a run with the running group I ran with all last summer. I have been meaning to meet up with them again now that I am back to it, but just never feel like getting up quite that early. But a friend of mine is going with me, so that is motivation to get my bum out of bed!

Alright, well I think that's it for me tonight. I hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far and hopefully I'll be back soon with something to post!


blunoz said...

I hear ya about getting up early to run or work out. I can never do it if it's just me. If I have someone who is going to meet me at time X at location Y, then it forces me to get my butt out of bed so I don't keep them waiting. That's the only way I can get any exercise in the early morning is if I'm meeting somebody.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics...he looks so handsome in his cowboy gear! How fun! I can't even imagine temps in the 60's. ha ha!

Saw on fb you didn't do the group run thing but hopefully you'll meet up with them soon. When I actually ran, I relished getting up at 4:30 on sunday's and running as the sun came up!

Anonymous said...

You look great in that pic! fun times, just poppin in to say hello. Im exhausted so its not long but wanted to say hieeee!