Thursday, August 6, 2009

County Fair (part 1)

Sorry I've been slacking (thanks Nat for pointing that out - hehe). Haven't really been all that busy or anything, but I also haven't been on the computer all that much. We've been taking it easy and enjoying the nice (unseasonably cool) weather we have been having.

Last week (and this past weekend) the fair was in town so we took the kids. They had fun riding the carnival rides and petting the animals in the petting zoo. We actually went both Wednesday night and then again Saturday night. Wednesday we just did the rides and walked around looking at all the animals and booths they had set up...oh and eating my weight in kettle corn (YUMMY). Here are a few pictures from night one.

Riding the elephant ride

Feeding the goats

Watching the mini-tractor pull - it was the little kids pulling

So there are some pictures for you. Saturday night we went back for the rodeo which was a lot of fun, and I'll post those pictures later.
Not much in the way of "news" to report. Some of you probably already saw on FB but my sister-in-law found out that the twins are both boys, so that is pretty exciting. I'll have little twin nephews come December. I'm learning how to knit (very slowly) but I hope to make them little blankets, or maybe little hats, as a baby gift, but I still need to get A LOT better because right now, I wouldn't give anyone what I've been making.
That's about it for me today. I'll try to post those other pictures soon. Hope you all are having a good week, and enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

good job back to bloggin, no no i know how it is i havent felt like gettign on much either. but good to see a new post. Knitting huh? wow, your just trying everything these days huh. :) can you make me a hat? mittens? haha jk. my Oma taught me how to do that when I was little, but i forget now. mayb eyoull have to show me some day again! the fair looked fun, great pics. keep writing.

Anonymous said...

I never could get knitting. So I just crochet. That's sweet of you to make them gifts! Twin boys...WOW! :)

The fair looks like fun, those boys are grinnin' so big!

Anonymous said...

she is haivng a csection because the baby is breech and she isnt turning. and its too risky to try to twist her around by prodding on the outside because she has a "frontal placenta" and it could become detached adn that would be bad. so they opted for the safer route and schedueled the c-section for this Thurs. her due date. sorry it took so long to comment you back. miss ya. need to chat, cause something stuck out to me in one of your msgs. in facebook but i will go back there and write you in private. :) bye