Sunday, November 15, 2009

6 wonderful years

Well first things first, I want to wish my sweet husband a VERY happy anniversary! It's been 6 wonderful years since the day we said our "I Do's" and it just keeps getting better. He's not only an amazing husband and father, but he's my best friend and I love him more and more every day. Here's a pic of us...aren't we so cute?!?

So, in short, this weekend was amazing. The plan (or so I thought) was as follows: Friday night we were going to an award dinner at the club on base for people that Matt works with, then Saturday the hubs told me that we had plans in the evening to celebrate our anniversary, then Sunday would be our regular Sunday. Sounds like a great weekend right - I thought so...but that's not quite what happened.

Thursday I made plans to keep my friends little boys all day Friday because she has been sick and her hubs is over in the desert. So, Friday AM the boys and I left at 7:45am to go pick up her little boys giving me a grand total of 4 little boys for the day ages 5, 4, and two 2 year olds. We went to the gym in the AM and then spent the rest of the day at the house playing games and jumping in the jump house. It was a busy day, and things were a bit crazy but all 4 boys were great and they all had a blast. Around 5:30 we start packing up so I can drop the boys back at their house then head over to base for the award dinner. I pulled up to the club right at 6:30 and the hubs met me out front to help me get the boys in. I was feeling pretty good and ready for the award giving to begin...

So imagine my surprise when I walk in and see these ladies (this pic was taken later at my house)...
In case you don't know - this is Nataleigh and Amanda - two of my bridesmaids from our wedding and two of my best-est friends in the whole world. The "award dinner" was all a decoy - the hubs planned an anniversary celebration with not only our friends from here where we are, but flew in my bridesmaids to make the night complete. My sister was also supposed to be there but missed her flight - but that's another story for another time...haha. Not only were Nat and Fligs there for our wedding but they were also with me less than an hour after the hubs proposed - so it's only fitting that they were here to celebrate with us! The dinner was great, and such an amazing gift. I had NO idea that anything was planned. I totally bought the whole "work dinner" story.
Anyway, so Saturday his gift to me was that I got to spend the day with my girls, shopping, lunching and just enjoying the company of great friends. It might not be the "traditional" anniversary gift but it was perfect. He said that because I sacrifice being close to friends and family because of life in the Navy (which of course I am happy to do) I deserved a weekend to enjoy being with both friends and family - and what a better way to celebrate our marriage than with the people who have been there from the beginning of "us". Here are a few pictures of me and the girls from Saturday.

Saturday night we all went out to Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Amanda and Nat gave us a really sweet anniversary gift and it was just a really nice dinner with all of my boys and two of my favorite girls. As I sit here typing all of this up, I just can't help but be so thankful for all the blessings I have - but especially friends and family! I am one lucky girl. So - I'll stop rambling,but I just had to blog about my wonderful weekend. I'll remember it forever and just couldn't be happier!


Anonymous said...

what a great posting! THe end picture is fantastic! super cute. What a great trip, so glad to have been able to come. Yes, it always goes too fast. I gotta make my posting here soon too! :) check back.

Sam S. said...

So amazing is that?! What a great guy you've got and great friends to go so far to make it special. CONGRATS!