Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the bubble stays...for now

I like to joke about how right now we live in this wonderful "shore tour bubble". It's a special place where husbands are home for dinner, schedules can be kept (for the most part) and duty days are pretty much unheard of. I love this place - which is why I have immersed myself in this bubble and live in the present as to not worry about the future. However, as the two year mark gets closer and closer, I've been hearing words like "detailer" and "orders" come and go, which has caused the bubble to deflate just a bit. It was in serious jeopardy of popping for good until the other day when the hubby got an email saying that, due to some other circumstances we have the option of staying a bit longer!! Yahooo the bubble has been re-filled!! As long as the owners of our house approve an extension of our lease, we will be here until early to mid August, instead of the end of June. So, while it's not that much longer, I'm still a happy camper. What's not to love about spending another summer with my family and enjoying a bit longer with the friends we have here??

So, that's really our news as of now. Hopefully we will hear from the owners by the end of the week so we will know 100% what we are doing, but I am pretty sure they will be okay with that. It's really only another 45 days - and it just seems like everything else just fell into place. Praise God!

Kids are doing well. The big kid has his first loose tooth! I can't believe it. We went to the dentist this AM for checkups and there is a wiggly one. Of course he is super excited and thinks its going to come out ASAP, but he's got awhile. It's just barely wiggling around. The little munchkin is fun as ever. I just love this age. He talks all the time now, just like his brother, and I love watching him learn new stuff, and he is a funny kid. The faces he makes and his little personality are just too much sometimes. If you missed my last post, scroll down and just check out the little picture of him in his cowboy get-up and you will see what I'm talking about.

Well, I'm to the point of rambling so that's it for me, but I'll be back soon! I get to post my DB challenge this weekend, so keep an eye out.


Sam S. said...

Congrats on getting a little more bubble time. I would say I'm a bit jealous but I'm so used to not having a husband, I wouldn't know what to do if he WERE home!

I saw this quote on a friend's fb this morning and thought of you...

"Motherhood qualified me to let the child within come out and play." Christy Borgeld

blunoz said...

I can relate.

During our post JO shore duty, we went to the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey. Wore civilian clothes everyday and went to class. Spent a lot of time scuba diving, bicycling, and enjoying the Monterey peninsula. About once a quarter though, I felt my heart sink when I saw the moving trucks start showing up in housing to move my graduating classmates off to their next duty stations.

Similarly here in DC on both my previous (post-DH) and current shore tours, I've started out the tour with a long list of things I've wanted to do around the DC area. Suddenly, a year has gone by and I've come nowhere close to doing 50% of the stuff I wanted to do.

At least this time, there is a pretty darn good chance we can come back to DC again if we want to. So whereas we sold our house last time we left DC, we think we'll keep our house this time (rent it) and look forward to volunteering for shore duty in DC next time around.

Yeah, the frequency of "detailer" and "orders" coming up in up conversation has been on the rise in our house, too.