Sunday, March 21, 2010

Springing forward!

Well, spring is here, not that you would really know it from our crazy weather. Yesterday we had snow on the ground still (from a snow we got Friday) but what can ya do? It's melting rapidly now and this week promises higher temperatures again, so I'm cool with that. I'm really ready to get outdoors with the kids more. Thrusday we did have some amazing weather and we took advantage of it and went to the zoo. It was a very good time!

It's a bright and sunny Sunday morning, and I am actually dressed, and READY for church with about an hour to spare, so I thought I'd post a little update, and some photos. Not too long ago I made some oatmeal cookies, straight from the recipe on the back of the Quaker Oats container. I threw in chocolate chips and dried cranberries that I had lying around, and they turned out really nice.

mixed and ready to bake
waiting for the oven to warm up

These were for a thank you gift for my parents when they came and stayed with the boys while we went to Hawaii. So I guess it was awhile ago when I made them, but I came across the pictures the other day and wanted to share. If you like oatmeal cookies, I reccomend these, and I really reccomend the choc chips and cranberries...much better than just raisins!

Ready to give away

This week was busy, and really flew by. I can't believe a week ago was the baby shower, and that the hubby has already gone and come back from his week work trip. Time sure does fly when you're keeping busy.

The other week at school big kid had a week of "theme" days where each day they dressed up in different "outfits". One day was hat day, western day, pj day and so on. So, the night we were digging out the western gear both boys had some fun after their baths. Here are a few pictures of my little cowboys.
The big kid
The munchkin

Are they not the cutest?? I really love the picture of the munchkin in his diaper and utility belt along with the hat and boots that are too big.

Okay, well I need to run otherwise my being ready early will be for nothing because I'll make myself late. Plus I want to have another cup of coffee and go grab the paper and check out the adds before we have to leave...ahhh I just love Sundays! Hope you all have enjoyed your weekend!

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