Wednesday, April 7, 2010

cookies by Kel??

So, remember a few posts ago when I was raving about those delicious sugar cookies that I made for the baby shower?? seems that I am not the only one that thinks they are wonderful. I made another batch last week for little Easter gifts and to go to my friend that has now HAD the baby that we had the shower for. I sent these cute little baggies off with the big kid to give to his teachers as well.

Well (big dramatic voice) yesterday when I dropped big kid off at school his teacher told me how wonderful they were then asked me if I would be willing to make cookies for the graduation party in May for the whole preschool!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! They are going to hire me to BAKE - and apparently are even going to pay me to do it!? I about jumped out of the car with giddiness over this - but figured that would hold up the drop off line so I contained myself.

I don't know any details yet, but I'm guessing it will be about 200-300 cookies. She did tell me they want butterflies, so that will be fun when decorating time comes. I'm just so excited, I had to share!!

Things here are going well. We found out that we are definitely here until mid-August, the owners of our house approved our lease extension, so that is a HUGE blessing! It's nice not to have that hanging over our heads. And while we do get to stay longer, we still are only about 4 months out - which isn't THAT long. I hate to say it but the bubble is deflating rapidly... The hubs and I have sub ball this weekend, so that should be a good time. It's always nice to get dressed up and get out for a bit. Plus, I got some super cute new shoes ON SALE that I am wearing and very excited about. Yes's the little things.

Well, that's about it for me. Just wanted to leave a quick post with some updates. I have had a major itch to do some baking, so chances are you will see something from me this weekend. Happy hump day everyone!


Sam S. said...

How awesome! Do an online bakery. :) Angela made it work!

Glad you got your extension and bought a wee bit of extra time. Savor it!

Anonymous said...

thats really cool about the baking thing, sounds fun. and i am sure they are YUMMY. good thing you can stay in the house a bit longer. cant believe youll be up and gone to somewhere new soon. where will i be visiting next? hopefully a new state i have never been before! byee good talkin last night.

blunoz said...

What a great compliment for them to ask you to make the cookies and PAY you for them! Congrats!