Friday, February 19, 2010

I've returned.

EDITED: I started this post LAST week, but as usual got behind. I had a few photo shoots this weekend (yippeee) so I had to post-pone the blogging. I can only squeeze in so much time in front of a computer! Anyway...enough rambling.

I finished the books. Two weeks, 4 books and 2,444 (yes I counted) pages later I am done. I'm glad it only took two weeks because things were getting pretty neglected around here. If my kids were sleeping, I was reading. The books were good...I'm not going to go all out and say that it was the best thing ever, and that I just couldn't get enough, but it was entertaining at least. The last one was my favorite...but I suppose I couldn't have just read that one because I would have been pretty lost. Oh well. So yea, if you're looking for something mindless and fun to read - that's a good one.

So, as promised here are a few pictures from my trip to Hawaii. It was a ton of fun, and so nice to get away with the hubby for a week. Even though he had to work, it was still great to spend time together after he got back. I did lots of fun things during the day while he was gone - my favorite thing to do was lay out at the ocean and read...I did this a lot. And second to that would be my morning run followed by a nice cup of coffee that I didn't have to prepare myself...ahhhh bliss.

But I also got out to see some sights, went whale watching, hiked up diamond head, and ate...and ate some more. So much good fish/seafood, I couldn't get enough. Kevin, we went to Dukes and I had the Ahi Tuna and it was as you said, AMAZING. I could have gone back every night just for that!! We also went to eggs n' things which was really yummy and had a date night at Orchids. The view at that place is incredible - so thank you thank you for all the great tips!!

Here are a few pictures - there are more up on my facebook account, so for those of you that are friends with me on there, you can always check them out if you haven't already.

This was the view from our balcony at the hotel - beautiful. We actually had two huge windows in our room. This one you can see looked over the ocean, and the other had a pretty view of some mountains and such.
First night after arriving. Enjoying the warm sun and a walk on the beach!
Pictures from my whale watching cruise. This is a mama and her little baby. So sweet. We followed these two around for a good while then took off to find some more.
Baby fluke

Me up on the top of Diamond Head. It was a fun hike and a nice way to get some exercise in that morning. The view is beautiful.
also up on Diamond Head - I love the light coming through the clouds on this one. I could have stayed up there all day.
Again - DH picture...I promise this is the last one.
One of the many many turtles I saw on my submarine ride - so much fun.
The last thing we did on our trip was a visit to the Arizona Memorial. I had been before a few years back before we were married, but the hubs really wanted to go see it, so we went. It's a very humbling experience and makes you very thankful for those that serve to keep us safe.

Alright, well this is a short update I know - I need to get back into my routine with blogging! Alright folks...I have to run. Tuesdays are busy days for us, so I should get a move on. Catch y'all later!


blunoz said...

Glad you finally made it through the vampire books.

Thanks for the recap of your trip and the pictures! Looks like you two had a great time. I'm glad my recommendations worked out so well for you. What I wouldn't do for some of that seared ahi from Duke's...

Sam S. said...

Glad you enjoyed your trip! I thought the whale watching cruise would be fun but Andy isn't so interested. We did see a few at the blow hole today though from afar.

We ate at a great bfast spot when we were here 8 years ago in Waikiki, but I can't remember the name now and want to go. :(

Sounds like you're staying busy!

Sam S. said...

I think Andy is bummed b/c having eats with him didn't make the list. LOL