Saturday, February 27, 2010

recovery - schmuvery

Okay, well I'm not quite sure if I spelled my made up word (schmuvery) right, but it's supposed to rhyme with there you have it.

I'm stuck in my house, in bed and it's not fun. I had to have a minor surgery yesterday to go in and fix some things that never healed right after my two c-sections, and so today I'm supposed to take it easy and get lots of rest. If you know me, this is not how I like to roll, but I also don't want to rip something open... The good news is that by tomorrow I can resume normal activity as I feel up to it.

However, I am using this time to get caught up on lots of things. Like...I updated both my KPP website and blog, so if you want to check those out you should. Kelly Powell Photography. I have also made grocery lists, planned meals, read books, and caught up on all sorts of computer things that I never seem to have time to do.

And now, I am going to post about the most delicious pancakes in the world that I made for my kiddos last week. We actually had these for dinner because the hubs was out of town and that's what they were asking for, but they make a perfect weekend breakfast as well!! I think I may have actually posted about these before, and if so I apologize.

Banana Sour Cream Pancakes
Recipe found : HERE

Just take a look at this yummy-ness

So good - take my advice and make these SOON!!

Okay, well I'll be back tomorrow. I have a special baking post to do, but it won't be ready until tomorrow when I can move around again. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend.


blunoz said...

Prayers for a speedy recovery. Glad it appears you are enjoying the down time catching up on non-strenuous things. The pancakes sound fantastic!

Sam S. said...

Those pancakes are beautiful...I'll have to divvy up those for a special treat for my boys I miss so much. Do you use any special docs to plan your meals? I need to get better at that.

Glad you're taking it easy per doctor's orders...take care of yourself!

Off to check out the updates...

Anonymous said...

why kel why? now i want to eat pancakes....blah. they do look yummy! i cant come to your blog anymore sorry. :(