Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Steamy Goodness...

* working on getting the pictures up - blogger is really trying my nerves!! *

Oh boy - let me just first say it's a good thing I don't live somewhere that steamed puddings are more easily accessible because I would no longer fit into my pants.

Okay, maybe I should back up a bit. It's the end of the month, so you all know (or maybe you don't but you soon will) that it's time to post my Daring Bakers challenge for April.

The April 2010 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Esther of The Lilac Kitchen. She challenged everyone to make a traditional British pudding using, if possible, a very traditional British ingredient: suet.

I did not have, nor could I find suet, so I used good old fashioned butter, and a lot of it, which is why it's a good thing I don't eat this more often, because after eating my small slice, I did some mental calculations of calories, and let's just say, it wasn't pretty - AT ALL! But it was yummy, and I don't eat sweets too often, even though I make them all the time, so I figure it won't kill me or the ability to fit into my jeans.

I enlisted some help from my big kid in making this treat today, and I have to say I think he did a very nice job.
already a pro with the mixer
We take quality control very seriously around here...

We chose to make a lemon steamed pudding and then a Grand Marnier strawberry syrup for the top. The flavors together were pretty delicious I have to say - maybe my favorite part of the whole dessert.

These were about to be on the "un-usable" end so they were perfect for syrup

Strawberry syrup on bottom of dish, ready for the batter.

This recipe was different from anything I have ever made before. It's sort of a cross between a cake and a bread pudding. It's very moist because of the steaming process - so that's a bit different for me, and I have never made anything that you steam to cook. I didn't have a strainer/pot combo big enough for my baking dish, so I did mine in the crock-pot and just set my dish on-top of a tea towel and it worked out just fine. I have to say, it was nice to have dessert cooking away and still have my oven free for fixing supper.

Ready to go into the crock pot for a few hours of steaming
after a good steam - ready to be flipped


I served it up with a little bit of cream in the bottom of the dish. Overall it was a nice dessert. I don't know that I'll be making it again anytime soon, but I did enjoy the challenge. So, thank you Esther for broadening my baking horizons!!

If you're interested in trying this out on your own, go to the Daring Kitchen website and there you will find bunches of recipes in the "recipe archives" section! Enjoy! :)


Sinful Southern Sweets said...

Great job!! Cute sous chef :)

blunoz said...

Oh my gosh that looks and sounds heavenly!

Ruth H. said...

Your kitchen helper is awesome! (I can't wait for mine to be big enough to help...! 11 months is a little small...) Lemon sponge with strawberry sauce? Oh my that sounds amazing! Can I come over next time you make this? :) Thanks for sharing your fabulous results!!

chef_d said...

Yummy flavor combination!

Patty said...

Sounds awesome! Great job on this month's challenge!

Kel said...

Thank you everyone for all the sweet comments! :) It was a fun dish to make and my little sous and I had a fun time together in the kitchen :)

The Betz Family said...

Your strawberry sauce looks delicious! Nice job on the challenge!

Unknown said...

beutiful photos, i love the strawberries!

Aparna Balasubramanian said...

Strawberry and orange, yummy! Love those flavours and your pudding looks so pretty.

Renata said...

Wow, it looks so moist and delicious!