Sunday, July 18, 2010

Use it or lose it...

That's what I'm calling our current moving phase. I've been going through our house, room by room, closet by closet deciding what stays and what really just needs to go. We've already dropped off numerous boxes at the Goodwill and I have the back of my car loaded up with more to go tomorrow. Not to mention multiple boxes of baby clothes to be sent to my sister-in-law for my cutie nephews. I am also trying to use up goods in our pantry that need to go, so I made some banana bread. I tried a new recipe, and the jury is still out because it's cooling, but it sank a little after coming out of the oven, so I'm not sure what to expect. If it's good, I'll post pictures and the recipe soon - if not we will just forget I made it and I'll post something else!!

The hubs and I have been working really hard getting the house ready to turn over to new tenants. We also started P90X last week which means that I've now been sore for a week straight. With all this hard work we decided it was time to put to use our couples massage gift certificate! Ahhhhh...that's that sound of my relaxed and well massaged muscles. Back in November two of my best friends were out here to celebrate our anniversary and they gave us a gift certificate for a couples massage. Well, months later we finally got around to using it and it was FABULOUS!!! It was an hour of pure wonderfulness - THANKS AMANDA AND NAT for the great gift!!! We are very lucky to have such wonderful friends and it was much needed!

After that we went to a nice dinner, walked around and did a little window shopping, shared ice cream, and then home to send the babysitter off, and watch a movie. It was a great way to spend the afternoon together. Date nights are a treat for us, so we really enjoy our time out together. I think I'm going to call our sitter and arrange another here soon before the big move.

The move is coming soon...very soon. 27 days to be exact!! Can't believe we are below 30 days now. I had a minor freak out this morning about all that we still needed to do, but was over it pretty quick after getting out my planner and going over my to-do list. We're in good shape. I hired a cleaning company to take care of the cleaning after the movers load up, the moving company is coming out this week to do our house estimate, and I'm just about done going through our stuff to find donations. Things are moving right along.

Okay folks well that's it for me. OH...thanks for all the well-wishes on my ankle. It's doing much better and I've even been able to go on a few runs. My pace is a little slower, and I can't go as long because my shoe starts to rub on the part that is cut, but overall I'm recovering very well!! So thank you. Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!!



Sam S. said...

Cleaning out and purging is not always fun but you feel so much better going without so much "excess." Trust me, going from two homes that were 2200 and 3300 sq ft, to one that is 1100 sq ft, less is more! LOL Good luck with the process and moving to the next place.

Anonymous said...

Your very welcome! I have been missing in action whats up with the ankle, write me an email. only have a few so we'll chat that way. and when you coming and what part of OHIO dude!! I hope I can see you guys!