Monday, August 23, 2010

Safe and Sound

We've and sound and are (slowly) getting settled. Actually we've accomplished a lot, but as I look around at all the boxes, I realize there is still more to be done. We woke up to a rainy day, so I've been slow getting things together - so I figured I'd update. But I can't stay on TOO long because I am *a-hem* borrowing wireless at the moment. So bad I know...

However, I did get lots of important things done in the few days that I've been in my new residence. I got our insurance stuff switched and the boys and I are all set up with new docs. The boys have dr. apts for school physicals. Dentist appointments have been made. Cable/internet/phone is processing and will be installed on Friday. Big kid will be all set for school tonight after open house. You get the idea. We've been busy.

The hubby doesn't have to start school until middle of next month, so we have a few weeks to enjoy family time. I think we are going to take a weekend trip in the next few weeks, somewhere by train, still have to figure that one out.

Okay, well I should run. I'll be back after Friday when our internet is installed.

Catch ya later folks.


Sam S. said...

Glad to see you arrived and are getting squared away. Slowly isn't bad, you won't burn out. :) And it does sound like lots has been done. Enjoy your family time before school starts!

Anonymous said...

thats great that your getting settled. I got my stationary dude! Your first letter will be on it's way soon! :)