Sunday, August 1, 2010

This and That

Is the weekend almost over already?? Eeesh, where does the time go? And it's AUGUST - wowza.

So, in-case you aren't crossing off the days until my move on your calendar (although I can't see why you wouldn't be - hehe) we are down to 13 days!! WOAH!! We officially have an address now for when we get to our new location, so that is always a plus, and I've taken care of stopping all our services here minus one more that I have to call about tomorrow.

THANK YOU THANK YOU folks who gave me such awesome moving tips!! I will make sure to have my video camera charged, sharpies ready, and my best "I'm the boss - but a nice one" attitude in check!

This morning we went to church, then home to get some stuff done around the house. The hubby cleaned out the garage, and I've been working on getting together all those things that DON'T go with the packers because I would be heartbroken if they were damaged or lost (mainly my pictures, a few letters, etc.) I also have yet another bag of stuff going for Goodwill - this will be trip number 4 I believe!

Yesterday the hubs and the munchkin went to a bbq at a co-workers house. Big kid and I stayed behind because he woke up all snotty and coughing and we didn't want to share the love. BUT I did take full advantage of the "bring a side or dessert" to unload a bunch of stuff in the pantry! I sent brownies, blondies, a unopened bag of tortilla chips, and some fresh salsa. I got major "points" in the clean-out process for all that!

I tried a new recipe for the brownies - it's one I've had on my "to bake" list for awhile, but always seem to fall back on my favorite Ina recipe. But because I didn't have everything for that one, and I DID have everything for this one, I took a chance. The recipe is from the back of the King Arther bag of AP flour and it's labeled "The Best Fudge Brownie Ever" (click on that for the recipe). I was skeptical because I've had some amazing brownies - so to claim these were the BEST ever...well I just wasn't so sure. Sorry for the bad picture...I was in a hurry and it shows.

My review. They were quite tasty - very moist and fudge-y and the chocolate chips in the batter really do add a little something, but I think I still would chose my Ina recipe over this one. But the hubby said they, and the blondies both went over well.

Today we also had a big moment in "kid world". The big kid learned how to ride his bike without training wheels!! We are very proud. He must have been ready because he picked it up like a pro. Well folks - I need to run. The hubs just informed me he is due for a haircut, so I'm going to go help get the little ones to bed, then do that, then curl up with my book. Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!


blunoz said...

Congrats on losing the training wheels! I hope you managed to do it without you or your husband messing up your knees like I did. Something about trying to run in a straight line alongside my son while my torso was sideways and trying to support his weight / keep him balanced and upright really messed my knees up.

Sam S. said...

Way to go Big Kid, that's an awesome step!

Hope the little one is feeling better by now.

Glad to hear they gave you an address by phone, sounds like they've changed their policy. Is it Dolphin Gardens? Those are such nice houses.

Anonymous said...

why the video camera? im confused?