Monday, August 30, 2010


Things are falling into place...for the most part.

Big kid started KINDERGARTEN last week, and today will be his first full day. Can't believe my little man is in school now. Crazy. But he absolutely loves it there, and the school he goes to is just wonderful. I tell you what though, not having him around is sure strange. Maybe I'll get the rest of these boxes unpacked after all...

All ready for the first day

We still have a few boxes here and there, but most of that is due to the fact that we are waiting for our "media hutch" to arrive so we have something to put our tv on and all of the various devices that go along with it into. We were spoiled in NE and had built-ins so we didn't have to worry about such things. There are some others too, but we've been having a lot of fun so they have been pushed aside! I LOVE LOVE LOVE our new neighborhood! There are TONS of kiddos everywhere, all close to the same age as our boys, and it has just been non-stop playtime outside. And it turns out that a friend of mine from when we lived in GA (her hubs was on a different boat) lives right across the street from us!! Her son is a week older than my oldest, so that has been really great, and she has been awesome and introduced us to everyone on the street I think. Not really, but it feels like a lot. I'll be sad to leave next spring.

And speaking of leaving. We do have "verbal orders". The hubs is (for now) going to be the Weps on a boat out of Norfolk. We were not expecting this location, but are happy with it none-the-less. It will be nice to be within a days drive of our family, and we've got some good friends going there as well. :) Although I'm trying not to get TOO attached because I know that things very well could change.

This weekend we spent probably 95% of both Saturday and Sunday enjoying the outdoors. We went hiking, kite flying, and got in a few trips to the beach. The weather here is absolutely beautiful and we have been exploring our new surroundings. There is so much fun stuff to do, I'm already making our list for next weekend!

Well I should wrap this up and get a move on my "to-do" list. Maybe now that I have a little "kid free" time again, I'll actually update this blog in a somewhat timely fashion...maybe. *wink*

Later folks :)


Sam S. said...

Great pictures! CT is a great place, we loved our 5 months there (and were happy to leave after the first little snow. :) ha ha!)

Glad to hear you're settling and already have familiar faces close by.

Can't believe he's a kinder kid now, WOW! And congrats on verbal orders. Hopefully you don't end up in a tailspin of change and you can begin preparing for the next move at leisure. (well, as leisurely as Navy life pace can be!)

blunoz said...

Glad you're getting settled and hooray for verbal orders and a sense of where you're going next. We're envious of you going to Norfolk (that was our first choice).

How did the move go? Did the movers give you a hard time about not putting anything on the truck unless you or your husband were there to check the inventory? Did they lose anything?