Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm here...

just been a little behind. This past weekend we were out of town for the hub's Tri...he did GREAT by the way, coming in 4 min under his goal time! I'll have pictures later, they are on the other computer. But just wanted to check in real quick.

Haven't done any great cooking or baking this week...but I'll do some this weekend. I'm scheduled to take a meal to a friend who just had a baby not to long ago (her hubs is overseas right now) so I know what that's like. Well...the having a baby and not having your husband home part...anyway - rambling. So I'm cooking Friday night for that, then sat I'm going to a MOM family bbq night thing, so I'm bringing something to that as well.

Kids still have swimming this week, tomorrow is the last day, and then big kid has soccer camp through July, so that's pretty much where we spend our time these days. The pool and the soccer field...and Dairy Queen. Yes, it's bad, I've reverted back to my old pal DQ and we've gone there once a week after soccer!! At least my favorite thing is just vanilla soft serve with nothing else, otherwise I'd be in real trouble!!

Okay, well I've got laundry to fold and kids to suit up for the pool, but I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Matt...way to go! Looking forward to hearing/seeing more.

Enjoy your busy, fun week!