Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Tin-Man Tri 2009

Well, this is going to be short, because once again I should be folding laundry and getting geared up for swimming lessons! Today is our last day of that however - although I think I'm going to get the big kid private lessons once we get back from GA. Moving on. I thought I'd post some pictures from the Husbands Tri this weekend. In case you were curious of distance and all that, it was an 1100 M swim, 20 mile bike ride, and a 7.2 mile run. I have NO idea where they came up with these numbers, but it's "close" to those of an Olympic distance. He finished in just over 2 hours and 30 min.
The boys enjoying a breakfast tail-gate before the race
Ready to Race!
Ready to Swim
off on the bike

transition to the run

coming into the finish!!

post-race family picture

So, there you have it, a brief sum-up of the race in pictures. It was a good time, and I for one really enjoyed being the one to do the cheering on for a change. I am so proud of him! It's been a lot of training and hard work - he did great. We couldn't have asked for better weather either. It was a little muggy, and would have been terribly hot, but we had good cloud cover because there was a chance of showers, which thankfully held off until the moment we got back to the hotel!

Because we were close to KC for the race, and with my parents being in town for it as well, we left Sunday AM to head to KC and enjoy an AWESOME Fathers Day brunch and then we all went to church at our old church. (In case you're wondering I was born and raised in Overland Park, KS). Here is a picture of the boys on Father's Day.

After church my parents went back to the airport to catch their flight and we began our drive home. It was a great weekend, but I was beat!

I've got another post but I need to get a move on so I'll try to post that later today. Enjoy your day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing...Great job Matt! He looked awesome out there. Sounds like a wonderful weekend all around and very rewarding!

Anonymous said...

awwww what a great fathers day picture! how cute. sounds like matt did awesome! thats such an accomplishment. GO MATT! :) well gotta run bye

Kristen said...

Congrats to the hubby! LOve the family pictues too. You guys all look look great!