Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Back in business!

Haha - we have internet again, and it's ALL OURS!!! No trying to surf the web on my phone (although it is quite good at that) or taking the laptop to various locations to hook up with some wifi - no we are back to the land of technology here! Well almost...we don't have our home phone hooked up yet, or the cable upgrade, but those are coming tomorrow. :) Hooray!

So, I know it's been forever - there is so much going on I hardly know where to start!! Matt did his triathlon a few weeks ago. We had a great time cheering him on, and we were gone about 4 days so it was also a nice little mini-vacation. Also, my mom, dad and sister came as well, so it was great to be together as a family. We all had a lot of fun. My in-laws came to town over Memorial Day weekend, and that was nice as well. We had a bunch of friends over for a crawfish boil and it was a big hit!! I'll have to post pictures of that soon.

I have been baking up a storm here recently, so it's hard to pick one thing to post on my first post back, but I'm going to have to go with the sugar cookies that I made for big kids graduation reception. You probably remember (or maybe you don't but that's okay) that I was hired by his school to cater the cookies for the reception after the ceremony.

For about three days I lived, ate, and a few time almost slept in my kitchen. The order was for 350 cookies...that's a lot of cookies y'all.

The baking went really fast actually, but then I got to the "outlining" part and thought maybe I didn't charge enough after all - haha. It took FOREVER. And as you will see, every surface in my kitchen was at one point covered in butterflies!!

Not only did this part take forever, my hand was so cramped at the end of the night it hurt to straighten my fingers!!

But then the filling in wasn't so bad either, so overall it was a very fun, and positive experience, and they got lots of compliments.

Here are a few pics of my big kid at graduation. I can't believe next year he will be in "real" school - crazy!
And here are some of the many cookies out and ready to be gobbled up!

So, there you have it - a quick sum up of three days of my life! :) In other news, we are moving in just over two months...YIKES!! We still have nothing set up because we don't have orders yet...but who really needs those right!?!? Hehe, kidding - we've been told they are "on the way" so hopefully soon. The hubs also got his slate (list of jobs that will probably be available for his next tour) and while I know it changes and nothing is final, it's nice to see where some of the options are. He is changing his mind daily on the order of his list, so really I couldn't even venture a guess as to what our top choices are. It will be awhile (and I mean many months for you non-navy people) before we know anything for certain, but I'll keep you posted! :)

OKay, well this is getting really long. So with that I'm going to wrap up for today and promise to be back soon with some more updates!

PS the sugar cookies/icing recipe I used is the same that I posted before back with the baby shower post.


blunoz said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe you decorated ALL of those butterfly cookies BY HAND. That's true dedication. They turned out really nice.

I hope you have a positive experience with the whole slate process. I'm curious to hear what boats are on the slate.

Sam S. said...

Glad you put the ps, I was going to ask.

Nice job and good luck down the line to Matt at SOAC and playing the slate. He'll have no troubles. Andy says he's a shoe in for ENG and pretty much anywhere he wants to go.