Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chocolate, cleaning and cookies

We have orders to CT - it's official! Not that there was any doubt, but still, it makes it "real" for us military folks.

Things are on a roll and now we are in "moving" mode. I don't know that I've wrapped my head around all of it just yet, but I'm excited about our next step, so I think that's a good thing! We have our papers in for the movers, and all our housing stuff is done - so those are two big checks off the old "to-do" list.

Yesterday and today we spent a good chunk of time in our basement, we don't even have that much stuff down there, but just looking through what to keep, toss, etc. We are also trying to arrange what down there is going into storage while we are in CT and what will be making it to the new house. We had BAGS of stuff to toss. It's amazing what you think you "might need" later, then realize that in two years you haven't looked or thought about it, so it can probably go. As a reward to my dear hubby who worked very hard this weekend, I made his favorite, chocolate chip cookies (a new recipe for me) and they were AMAZING!! But hold that thought, we will get back to the cookies!

Needless to say, we will be going through this house room by room repeating the same process, so that's a glimpse of my life for a little while :). But on the up-side, it always feels so good to do a big "clean out".

As for after our stay in CT, well hubby finally decided on his top pics, and he sent in all his info to his detailer on Friday. That being said, the jobs can and most likely will change, and we won't know for certain (meaning actual orders in hand) where we are going until after the new year. He will get verbal orders before that, but those are not the "real" thing and are subject to change. (I know you Navy folks know all this, but for you non-Navy folks...). His top choices take us anywhere from CT to Hawaii and in-between. His first choice would be to be on the USS Jimmy Carter out of Washington State, then after that the USS Missouri that is currently in Groton, CT, but will be moving to Hawaii. So we would just be in Groton a little longer, then when it was time for the boat to go, head over to Hawaii. He made sure to check on the timing, and will would be good to go for a home-port change (for all of us). After that I really didn't pay much attention, I know there were two more in Hawaii that were near the top, and a couple in Groton, and one in Virginia. So...we shall see...eventually!

So, in CELEBRATION of our next step, and as I said above, just to do something nice for my sweetie, I made some chocolate chip cookies. I had a recipe I wanted to try out, and am really glad I did, because these are better than my old "go to". They are from the cookbook "Passion for Baking" that was given to me by my sweet friend Sam not too long ago (waving to Guam), and I have been baking things from it left and right, and have yet to find something that wasn't amazing, and these are no exception. They are buttery, tender, and just melt when you take a bite...

Who needs the oven...I'll just take a spoon...

Amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup butter, melted and slightly cooled
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
2 large eggs
1.5 tsp vanilla
2 cups AP flour
3/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
3 cups semisweet chocolate chips

To make:
- Line cookie sheets with parchment paper, and preheat oven to 350F
- Cream together butter and sugars until very smooth, about three minutes
- Add eggs and vanilla and mix well
- Add in the flour, baking soda and salt and mix to combine
- Stir in chocolate chips
- spoon onto baking sheet and cook, 8-10 min for small cookies, 10-12 for large
- enjoy still warm with a tall glass of milk :)

Hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and I'll be back soon :).

1 comment:

Sam S. said...

Love the new blog design, very fun!

Those cookies look great, lucky husband, although well deserved.

Good luck on the slate!