Tuesday, May 27, 2008

back to the grind..

Well after a four day weekend it's time to get back to "the real world" and get a move on with things.

We had a great weekend. Yesterday was really low key, I cleaned for the first part of the day, and then the rest of the day we just hung around the house, played outside, grilled out for dinner, and that was about it. This house is so great, but it takes me FOREVER to clean it. Usually I do my cleaning Saturday mornings, but I slacked this past Sat, so that's why I did it yesterday. But now it's done and I can enjoy the rest of the week with a nice clean place.

Don't have much going on today other than Lowe's is delivering us some carpet for the basement and a table and chairs for our deck so we can dine outside!! It's such a nice thing to be able to go outside here and not be attacked by gnats and mosquitoes the second you walk out your door! The carpet is so that we can make a play area in the basement for the boys. The owners were in the process of finishing it, so the walls and everything are done, there just isn't anything on the floor, so we are doing one 9 x 15 foot area that will be for the boys to play in and I'll set up a work station down there so I can go down and do crafty stuff or work on my scrapbook while they are playing.

I am trying to think of something really interesting to write about, but I really don't have anything...I don't even have pictures for you...GASP!!! I'll take some tomorrow if I remember. We are going to a play date with the MOPS group at a martial arts center. If the big kid likes it I think I might sign him up for a class. He's signed up for soccer this fall, and he will go to VBS this summer, but that is only for a week, so it would be nice if they had something over the summer months to keep him busy. I have come to realize that a three year old with nothing to do is NO fun to have hanging around. Big kid tends to get a little out of hand when there is nothing going on.

Well with that I am going to go get my day started. I hope you have enjoyed this, if for nothing else than just the update on what is going on in our exciting lives! I'll be back tomorrow folks! love kp

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