Thursday, May 22, 2008

falling into place

Things are really starting to fall into place around here. I think I mentioned that I met some really nice ladies at coffee last week, well on Tuesday we went to the zoo with two of them and their little ones, and had a great time! We are going back in a few weeks.

Also, we were very blessed to stumble across a wonderful church right away, and I am getting involved there! I went to a VBS (vacation bible school) volunteer meeting last week, and it turns out they were looking for a photographer that would be willing to donate their services! Of course I volunteered!! What a wonderful way to be able to use my gifts for the church!! I will also be helping with the planning and set up!

Yesterday I took the boys to the park that is just down the street (within walking distance - even for the big kid) and we stumbled across another great group! It called MOPS (mom's of preschoolers) and they were having their weekly play date there. The ladies were all great, and all the kids were around hot shot's age! I have a friend involved in this group out in CT and she is a big fan of it so I was excited to hear that there was a local group here for me to join up with.

So, things are really falling into place, and we love it here! This area has a ton of great stuff to offer! The zoo is incredible, there is a children's museum that we still need to check out, there are tons of parks, and some that offer nature programs over the summer, trails for running and biking, minor league baseball games, which are a lot of fun...I could keep going but you get my drift! Plus we are close to KC which also has a lot to offer! We all know that God has a plan, and I really feel that we are where we are "supposed" to be. I remember when we were trying to decide what choices the hubs should put down for jobs, we prayed on it and asked Him to lead us, and He led us here!

So this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. I think it's supposed to rain a lot, but hopefully we will get a little sun! We have been invited to a get together on Saturday with one of the other sub guys that works in the hubs office with him, so that should be fun. I guess a lot of the people have little ones, so the kids will have a good time. And it will be good to meet some more people. But other than that we don't have any big plans. Well thats it for today...I'll be back soon! love kp

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