Wednesday, May 28, 2008

So far so good...

At my goal of posting every day this week that is. Here it is Wednesday AM and I have another post in the works, ready to send out to all of you.

It rained yesterday...all day, so we played inside, I did laundry and really we were total bums. Although I did at least manage to get in a run. But today we will redeem ourselves, because we have a full day planned. At 9:30 we are meeting the MOPS at a local Martial Arts Studio for our play date this week. FUN FUN! Then tonight I have my first distance clinic at 6 and then I am planning going to the pool for some lap swimming after that.

So, you want to hear my exciting news...okay well its not ALL that exciting, but I was happy. One of the gals I met at that bbq on Saturday, we are taking our boys to this library/learning center thing tomorrow afternoon, AND she invited me out on a girls night outing to go see the Sex in the City movie!!! YEA!! Not only do I really want to see the movie, now I won't have to go see it by myself! Wooo hooo! I am hoping that we can all meet here, have dinner and then the guys can hang out here with the little ones, and us gals can take off for the movie. I am long overdue for a girls night out/movie night. I think the last movie I went to see with a girlfriend was Brokeback Mountain with Sam...or maybe that movie I saw with Nat when I was up there for her wedding, but sadly I can't remember which came any case it's been a long ass time! Okay, I'll stop rambling, I was just pretty excited about that!

So that is how I am going to kick off the weekend...what are your plans?? I know it's only Wednesday, but whatever. Saturday is running day, then Sunday church. That's about it for us I think.

Okay, well that's it for me. The little guys will be up soon enough and with that the day will have officially begun! Hope you all have a great hump day! love kp


Anonymous said...

Busy busy and ever popular. Enjoy the movie and all the other great stuff!

Anonymous said...

oh and i am totally jealous that you went to see the sex in the city movie already. i totally want to seethat, did you love it? was it as good as they said it was going to be?