Thursday, May 29, 2008

its going to be a quick one!

Well, this isn't going to be long, or probably very interesting, but my goal was to post every day this week and I am so close so I can't miss it!

The boys are both napping, thank oh my were they cranky today...bleh. But that's okay, we will be getting out of the house this afternoon. At 1 we are meeting up with one of my new pals at this place where kids can go play/learn stuff...its sponsored by the local schools, and its for ages 0-5 years. So we are going to check it out. I need to run tonight, but will be heading to the gym to do that as long as the weather isn't too bad, I guess we have two bad systems coming our way that have been producing tornadoes...don't know if I really want to be out in that.

The running clinic went well. Our speaker last night was a sports dietitian who just talked with us about what to eat before/after runs, taking care of your body post marathon, that sort of thing. It was good information to have, especially for me being new to all of this. So, I'll go again next week and see what we have to talk about!

Well, like I said, this is short, so I am out of here. I need to get everything ready so we can leave when the boys wake up. Have a good anyone out there still reading this...

love kel

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the clinic went well. Fuel is so very important in distance training. But you eat well anyhow.

All kinds of fun new discoveries eh? Here's hoping the tornadoes stay at bay.