Monday, May 26, 2008

A thank you

To all those that have and are currently serving, and to those who made the ultimate sacrifice serving this country so that we can enjoy a life of freedom!

I could go on, but I'll leave it at that, short and sweet. This weekend has been wonderful. The get together we went to on Saturday was awesome! We met so many great people!!! Everyone there was the same as us, JO shore tour from their first submarine. LOTS of little ones too. There were three little little ones there (4 if you count Mason) that were all within a month of each other. So, that was a good time.

Sunday we went to church, then to brunch, home to just relax and then out to dinner again. Today we are going to do some grilling and hopefully enjoy the outdoors if the rain holds off. Last night it stormed really bad. Wind, hail, flash flood warnings...all that good stuff.

Just a little update on the running front. It's going well so far. The hubby and I joined a running club here, which I am excited about. They have a distance clinic which I plan on attending once a week. One of the guys the hubs works with is in the clinic as well, so at least I will know someone. I am also swimming again once a week, and I LOVE it. I did a mile my first visit, and would have kept going but needed to get home to fix supper. I have forgotten how much I miss being in competitive swimming. But at least while we are here I can get in regular trips to the pool. I will officially start my marathon program in June, so right now I am just trying to maintain 15 miles a week or so to get a good base. I still can't believe I am signed up to run a marathon! Am I insane???

Okay, well that's all for today but my goal is to blog every day this week. We shall see! Hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend!! love kp

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