Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The "pamantis"

Also known as a Praying Mantis, but the hot shot still isn't big on details, and he has his own shortened version of "pamantis" that he's sticking to for now. Anyway, on Saturday we decided to have lunch outside because it was a nice day, and we found this guy on our deck. I had the camera near by and took some pics. Check him out.

Pretty cool huh?? These things are all over here, and once you get over their creepy little heads they are pretty fun. Big kid LOVES them and tries to keep them as pets. But there was someone in the family who loved this one even more than the big kid...and that was THE Sammy!

She was trying her best to get a hold of this little guy. Running all over the place, up to the deck then back down to the yard. Here are a few pictures.

The Sammy eyeing the mantis...

the mantis eyeing the out little guy!!

Sadly, I think the mantis eventually let his guard down because we saw The Sammy throwing something around in the backyard later that day, and upon investigation the hubby was pretty sure that it was in fact our little friend here. Boy was she proud of herself...Sammy the huntress...Ha ha!

Okay, well that's your story for today. Enjoy and check back tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww poor pamantis. rip. sammy is so cute, i cant wait to see her and bella too. alright gots to run we are going out for mike schroeder's bday tonight. he came out for mine so i promised id go to his....ugh i am so tired though, i have like this infectious yawn i cant get rid of, i think it means ineed sleep or somethin... :) bye