Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday at the Table and LOTS of little updates

A whole week has gone by...my apologies. Life just seems to be flying by at a rapid pace and I am just trying to hang on for the ride!! Before I get to TatT I'll post a quick update on things here.

* Okay I really did try and post this yesterday, but my Internet sometimes likes to do it's own thing and for some reason when it came time to actually post it wouldn't connect, and the above is the only bit that got saved... So, I am trying again, and I hope that next week I'll do better!

I don't have any of my own pictures of dishes to share this week, mainly because I didn't cook anything new or very exciting.

This past week has been so busy, and now that we have hit September things just stay that way until after the new year. Big kid started back at preschool last week! Aside from a rocky first day, things have been going VERY well, he is into the swing of things now and really enjoying his time there. I knew it would be hard for a school to compare to his previous school, but I think this one is as close as it gets. We are also busy with soccer, which has been a really fun time for the whole family!!

Running/training is going well. I did 18 miles this past weekend, so I am feeling pretty good about it. I'm by no means super speedy, but I keep trying and don't give up, so that's what counts. I get a small break (only 15) this weekend and then next weekend I do my first 20 mile run! EEK!!

In addition to school and sports, September also means the birthdays begin! The hubs is first, his is Sat, then mine is next week, then big kids early in October. Speaking of my B-day I got a fabulous box of goodies complete with cookies from Sam!! Thanks girl :). Oh...and the cookies are gone!

In addition to the mommy stuff, and running, I am also working on a new website/blog ( with LOTS AND LOTS of help from Sam ) which should go live here in a week or so. The biz has really started picking up which is great!

Hubby is working on his masters as well as another course for the Navy which I can't really remember what it's called but they sent a whole box full of books he has to read to the house last week, so he will be busy with those for awhile! Work is going well for him and we just love all the time we have with him here at home.

The munchkin is doing great, he has a mouth full of teeth now, top 4 bottom 4 and his first 4 molars are all in as well bringing the total to 12 teeth! He's a pro at walking now, and it's so cute to watch him walk around like he owns the place. His personality has really developed as well (little stinker) and more than anything he wants to do EVERYTHING big brother does!

Okay so now that I have updated things a bit...here is my deal for TatT. As I have mentioned before I LOVE the website www.foodgawker.com!! It's the best if you are looking for inspiration for new fun things to make. So I have picked out a few things and I am going to do my best to make a few of these this week!! So, check out the links!

chocolate-whopper-cookies - YUMMY

cinnamon-sugar-donut-muffins - Oh wow! These look great, and Sam baked them and said her crew gave them rave reviews! Can't beat that!!

anothermuffin: yes another muffin recipe...apparently we are only eating cookies and muffins so far! haha

chicken-pot-pie: These look delicious and they are in little individual servings...of course now I have to go find little oven safe bowls...hmmmm.

Okay, well I think that's enough for one week...I also have the hubs bday dinner to cook Saturday along with his cake, so I'll for sure have pictures of that! Hope you all enjoy the week. love kp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are crazy busy! I saw those whopper cookies but I think I'm going to do whopper mudslide brownies next week for the dudes. Around here if its cookies Andy wants choc chip. ha ha!

Since you mentioned eggplant, check out Ashleys blog. She posted an eggplant and chicken recipe that she uses w/ pasta or cukes. I'm going to make it for lunch tomorrow. I've never tasted anything of Ashley's that wasn't great so I'm sure it will be!

Hope ya'll have a nice weekend!