Monday, September 29, 2008

Half Marathon Race Report

Well, SundayI ran my first official 1/2 Marathon. My training plan had me set for a 13 miler Sunday anyhow, so I figured why not?? My plan was to not really "race" too hard because I have another 20 miler next weekend, and I didn't want to risk getting injured or sick. I decided to walk through water stations reguardless of how I was feeling. I did good and stuck to my plan for the most part - I skipped one station, but stopped shortly after to stretch out my ankle.

Overall I am VERY happy with my run and my time. My official time is 2:11:52, with a big negative split in the last 1/2. I didn't really have a "goal" time in mind, but was happy to come in under 2:15. I liked the course - the first 6 miles were mostly flat with a few hills but they were not too bad - just enough to change things up. Miles 6-8 is mostly up hill, and a pretty good climb at that, at 8.5 we got to turn around and go back down, which was fun, and I'm sure a big part of my neg. split time. At 10.5 we did the last part of the first 6 miles loop again, which had some of those smaller hills, but nothing too bad and the last mile was nice and flat which was nice and gave me a chance to pick up the pace. My last 5K I averaged a sub 9 pace which was pretty cool, and I had enough in me to pass a good deal of people.

I felt nice and strong the whole time, and when I finished I was tired, but not exausted. I ran a good race and am happy with it! I think the half is a good distance for me and something I would like to work on a little more after I finish this whole MCM thing. HAHA.

Here are a few pictures. We didn't bring a camera, but I had my phone, so here are a few shots.

And here is one with the elevations just to give you a visual. Nothing too terrible, but not flat either!

Alright, well that's it for me today. I have a very bit to-do list wating for me now that the boys are doing quiet time so I am going to get a jump on all that! Hope y'all had a great weekend! love kp


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of AMAZING job on your first half! I think if you'd actually RACED it you'd be amazed at how much more you can do! Kick ass job girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I just re read and saw you were sub 9 on your last 5k! Thats faster than I did my last in PDR! You'd have easily been sub 2:00 if you'd "raced" and you'll be much faster than 5:00 at MCM.

Anonymous said...

ok so that is like speaking chinese for me, but GOOD JOB! i dont get the lingo. so i cant beleive you are running that long just straight through i cant beleive people can do that. its just crazyness. well good job again and congrats on your half a marathon or something like that! yayyy kelly :)