Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday at the Table

Well, here we are, Tuesday again. I can hardly believe it, last week just flew by and this week seems to be going quickly as well. I have a few little updates, but I'll put those at the end of the post. Also, I realized that I forgot to include a link to Sam the creator of TatT in case any of you want to join in, or just check out what some other people are fixin'.

Last weekend I decided I needed to give the cinnamon rolls another go. So, I decided to change things up and use a different recipe, which was easier to follow, and tasted delicious. Although you do have to make them the day before you plan to eat them because they are an overnight deal. You can find the recipe HERE! These turned out great, and if you follow the directions, you are sure to get a good turn out. The only "change" I made was to make my rolls a little smaller. The recipe says it yields 12, I got 15. Here are a few pics, one as they are in the oven and another of them just out. We had to rush out the door after eating to get my car to the dealer for an oil change, so there aren't any with the frosting on them, but I can assure you they looked even better!!

My next up is just something I threw together for the boys last Friday. I found these cute little tart shells at target and decided I could make something fun with them. So this is what I came up with. Key Lime Berry Tarts. It's a key lime mousse base topped with strawberries and homemade blueberry syrup drizzled on top. I had a small bite and they were quite good, and the boys ate them up! I thought they were pretty and sort of looked like little flowers. Of course that was lost with the three boys in the house, but that's what the pictures are for! :)

So those are my pictures for the week. As always if you want a recipe let me know. We also had turkey meatloaf again and the fajitas which have become a favorite!
So, tonight is the first soccer practice. I think Mr. M may be more excited than our little hot shot, but I really can't blame him. I think it's going to be a lot of fun, and if nothing else, good for a few laughs. Kids at this age are just too funny with the things they do and say. I'll be taking my camera tonight so hopefully I'll have pictures later this week.
Running/training is going well. This weekend I take a stab at 18 miles, so wish me luck...again. I am ALMOST up to my longest training run as far as milage goes which is encouraging because I know I have made it past the 1/2 way point.
My in-laws are flying in this weekend and will be here until next Wednesday. It will be nice to see them and I know they can't wait to see the boys. I think we are going to take a trip to the zoo, maybe catch a baseball game, and the hubs and I are going on a DATE!! Yea! It will be our first night out together in a LONG time, so that will be nice. I think we're doing dinner and a movie! We might even get to squeeze in a run together as well...good times! Well that's it for me. Catch ya'll later!


Anonymous said...

omg i'm your very first comment on this page. woohoo go me. so the tarts look beautiful, yes flowers, i see it. its not lost if you got the pics to show others right! right. ok so a date sounds fun and seeing the inlaws. hope all goes well and ill talk later. and write ya later too. byee girly, your becoming quite the amazing chef/baker lady. :)

Anonymous said...

wow 5 years, that is crazy, i had a feeling that you guys were going on 5, i dunno why i was thinking of it. maybe how much has changed in 5 years and all...you should def. do the pictures. i know i wish you could take them too, but you can take pictures of me when i come there. ill do a modeling shoot for you dont worry. hehe :) i can hold up tuesday's table picture. ;) alright well on lunch gonna run byeee

Anonymous said...

oh and how bout me browsing myspace today and found a picture of Chris G. (oh you know who that is.) hilarious ihavent seen anything of him since way back in teh day, when we were dub pubbin it! weird.

Anonymous said...

Love the tarts and the rolls! I need to look for the tarts. I need to stay AWAY from the cinn rolls!