Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where I've been...

Sorry for the lack of postage going on here on kelsdish. I seem to have caught the flu and have been sleeping as much as I can. I started getting sick Friday, but pretended it was just allergies becaues I didn't want to miss my long run on Sunday. Soooo Sunday I went out and ran 16 miles (yea!) and then that night started going downhill fast. I've been sick ever since. So, yea, it was proably not smart to run, because now I am missing lots of runs, but oh well. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be better. It's raining here today which I am thankful for because I don't feel bad about not taking the kids out to do anything and just having a lazy day at home.

My in-laws were in town for the weekend, they flew out this AM to go back home. We had a nice visit, and it was great because I got a lot of sleep and rest.

Saturday we had the big kids first soccer game. It was too cute. I do have pictures but they are on my other computer so I'll have to post them later. Hubby and I were supposed to have a night out on monday, dinner/drinks downtown, movies, etc. But along with my illness I lost my voice so dinner wouldn't have been much fun with no talking, so we settled on just going to an early movie at the theater down the street. We saw "Dark Knight" the Batman movie, and my "boyfriends" last movie before his sad death (okay so he wasn't really my boyfriend, but I am a big fan - although he was rather creepy in this movie). The movie was good though, we both enjoyed it, AND it was nice to go to a movie together. We figured it has been almost 4 years since we saw a movie together...yeah, pretty sad.

I can't believe it's already wednesday! This week really seems to be going fast, but then again, I haven't really been awake for a whole lot of it, so I guess maybe that is why. I'm sort of fuzzy on the whole time thing.

Okay, instead of rambling I'm going to post some cute pictures of my little ones! Oh, btw the Munchkin is walking full time now, turning around, changing directions, he's a full time walker! He also cut two more teeth, he now has 4 on top, 4 on bottom, and one of his molars. Glad that one finally came through, it was a pain in the you know what for the poor little tyke! Okay, really going to stop rambling now.
Big Kid at the Zoo

Family night at the park

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable pics. But seriously...why did you say "If you're a fatty I don't know what I am?" Look how THIN you are!

Sorry you've been sick for what, like a week now almost? Gallant success on the run despite the circumstances. Hope the rest is doing its job and getting you back to normal.