Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 - Day #3

Well...I'm back. I know I "usually" don't blog on the weekends, but really I haven't been too good about blogging in the first place, so I figure if I have a free second I might as well go for it.

I've been a bit lazy this morning. The kiddos woke me up just before 6:30, so we've been hanging out, playing games in our pajamas. The little guy is already down for a little nap and it's only 8:45, but oh well. Hubby is on his way to the car place to have Penelope (the Pacifica) serviced. It's time for an oil change, tire rotation, all that fun stuff. So now the big kid is watching Wall-E and I'm...well doing this.

Don't really have a whole lot to talk about today. Just felt like posting something. I'm trying to think of something we could do today as a family, but the little one is still not feeling 100% so I don't really want to take him out where there are a lot of kiddos, and I think we are supposed to get some freezing rain here later today which always makes things exciting while going out. Haha. Maybe it will just be an inside game day today. It's been nice having two four day weekends in a row with the holidays. We've had a lot of nice family time and just been able to relax. I love just hanging out with my family - they are my favorite people after all.

Oh, so I got new Ugg slippers for Christmas and they are the BEST things ever. They are so comfortable and WARM!! I love them. I would wear them all the time if I could. Santa was pretty good to me this year. I got some new clothes, shoes, and a gift certificate to the spa which I plan on using as soon as the hubs gets back from his month in VA. He will be leaving us for about a month here soon and I have a feeling that a trip to the spa will be MUCH needed when he gets back. I love my kiddos - and they are great kids, but being single mommy 24hrs a day 7 days a week makes for a very tired mommy. I am hoping to get some little crafty things done that I don't usually work on when hubby is here because we usually end up watching movies or playing board games or something. One of those things being his Christmas stocking! I know...Christmas is past, but I didn't quite get it finished this year. So, I'm hoping to finish it while he's gone and then he will have it next year!

Okay, well I think I am going to wrap this up. I realize that I have just been rambling, but there were a few little tid-bits in there...okay maybe not. But you love me anyway! :)

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! ~kp


Anonymous said...

ohhh the infamous trip to VA. i remember when that came up one night! haha :) so he is going huh? at least it is only one month! you hope right? well good luck and yes, i am sure you will need the spa when he gets back. i wish i could come visit and then i could help! :) haha well just wanted to say hi, and happy new year, and i have one more post to read then i will possibly post one of my own.

blunoz said...

I love Uggs! I got my first pair about mid way through high school, and it became a standard Christmas gift from my parents to replace the previous year's battered pair of Uggs because I wore them so much. Still love my Uggs now. :-)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha...indeed we do love you!

Ya'll are like the "perfect" family! (and I mean that in a good way!)

Its nice having good creature nice slippers! Especially where you are!

Hang in there for that month! Its no fun, especially on shore duty. But you're a trooper!