Sunday, January 4, 2009

I'm watching you...

Well a few of you anyway...the people who's blogs I usually check/read/etc. Check it out, I finally figured out how to follow blogs! I feel so accomplished! This is part of my "time management" goal for 2009. I had been told that following blogs was a possibility, I just hadn't really looked into it. Wow, what a difference this makes. Being able to just look in one spot and see who has updated and who hasn't! Okay, so I realize that this is very minor on most peoples lists of exciting things or even important things. But I feel like it's a big step in the right direction!! Haha.

I still have yet to work on my treasure map...hopefully today I'll get a chance to work on it. Actually the hubs and I have become addicted to playing Mariokart on the Wii at night after the little ones are in bed. He kicks my tail every time, but it's still fun! But he will have to work tomorrow so he won't want to be up late playing games which means I can get to work on my little map. Also in store for today is church here in a bit, and then after the little ones nap I think we are going to head over to the gym, get a little workout in and then go to the pool. I think the kiddos will have fun and the hubs wants me to help him out with his stroke technique for his freestyle swim. He is signed up for his first triathlon in June!! We're both pretty excited! He was so supportive of me with my marathon that the least I can do is help him out with this and repay the favor!

So, that's what we are up to today. Tomorrow it's back to "real" life. Hubby goes back to work and I get to work on things that need to be done around here. One is taking the little one for his first haircut. It's finally grown enough to be able to cut it. I'll make sure to post pictures of that big event! Big kid heads back to school later this week as well which will be good. I'm hoping that I get back into the routine of going to the gym while he's there, so at least I get 3 days a week of gym time in. I have been slacking so bad...need to get my butt motivated somehow!

Alright, well that is it for me today folks. I need to go get my face on and get dressed for church. Will hopefully be back tomorrow! I feel like I am on a roll!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come coach me! I got passed by a teen in a bikini doing a leisurely sidestroke the other day! Sambo keeps saying he wants swimming lessons with you! Um, that might be a problem! LOL

Did you add an igoogle reader? I love mine!

Good on your for time management. Thats a skill I think the majority of us could work on. And good luck with the treasure map! I need to get back to mine too.