Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An intervention is needed

I have a secret...I have developed an addiction and I think it is slowly taking over my life. I think I may need an intervention. What is it you may ask?? What could be so addicting that I am calling for an intervention?? It's almost sad to say...but I fear that I may have to do something about my new favorite past time...the Wii. There, I said it. I am addicted. Really not to the Wii in general, we've had it for over a year now and it's never been an issue for me, but one particular game - MarioKart - has done me in. I can't get enough. We only let the big kid play it for a little bit at night and that is only if he eats a good dinner, so I have to wait until they are in bed. But after that...I'm free to play as long as I want - with the hubs of course. I think this could be a challenge for my time management goal. Hmmmm...I think I may have to nip this one in the bud.

However I have not been totally worthless. I have really made improvements with my time during the day. I've set aside "computer time" which is working out well because I am more diligent about doing what I need to do and not just "surfing" because I know my time is limited. I'm also doing better with my chores around the house. All in all I feel like I am being more productive which makes me feel like things are more organized, and when I feel organized I am a VERY happy girl.

Okay - well I think that's it for me today. Wish me luck with my Mario "detox" plan. hehe ;)

Catch ya later!


blunoz said...

Really Kel? An intervention??? :-) We have also been having a lot of fun playing Mario Kart on the Wii, but when I play I'm always holding my arms out straight in front of me and twisting and turning. My arms get tired and sore from holding them out like that. I usually limit myself to two games (three races per game) before I take a break. Glad you're having so much fun with it and WITH your husband at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Thats funny! We need pics...of you with your "habit." At least you're working on your hand eye coordination and your reaction time skills right? Always good things to have as a mom and an athlete! ;)

Glad to hear the time management is going well. You've inspired me to block out my day and schedule certain things in certain times. Its helping me so thank you for that!

Anonymous said...

thats too funny, why do i not picture this...haha. dave totally has been playing it over at Tre's house and he is all excited like we HAVE to get one...so that we can play together. who woulda thought that thing would be so much fun...i remember when the commercials first started and i was like "what the hell is that" well have fun have matt call me if he needs help with your intervention! ;) bye

Anonymous said...

yes, finally growing, i think that her little sickness stunted her a bit. now looking back how much she slept and had no energy, the poor thing was soo sick. but now she is a BUNDLE of energy and tons of hard work and takes lots of patience and looking after. haha. but i am sure it will all be worth it, i just can't wait until we are back to "normal" and "quiet" and "routine" i like those things alot, now that they are gone. anyhow, yes, the burger was pretty scrumptious, but def. not 1 hour 20 mintues good! haha. well girl been so long we need to chat for real here soon. let's set a phone date soon, miss you tons. what else has been going on, when is matt leaving for that other place? i forget where right now...