Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year...New Look!

Well for my blog that is. My look is exactly the same. So, do any of you out there do resolutions?? I sort of do, not really. Mine are more like goals that I set at the start of each year and then strive to achieve, which I guess IS a resolution, but I guess I just look at it differently. This year I think I'm going to jump on the treasure map bandwagon. Basically it's a way to put your goals for the year into picture form, with you in it and then you have it to look at everyday for inspiration. My friend sam did one last year, and has plans to do another. And I got this info from this blog (which is also linked on Sam's blog above), which she found somewhere else online, but it describes it better than I can.

Making a "treasure map" is a very powerful technique, and fun to do.

A treasure map is an actual, physical picture of your desired reality. It is valuable because it forms an especially clear, sharp image which can then attract and focus energy into your goal. It works along the same lines as a blueprint for a building.

You can make a treasure map by drawing or painting it, or by making a collage using pictures and words cut from magazines, books or cards,photographs, drawings, and so on. Don't worry if you're not artistically accomplished. Simple, childlike treasure maps are just as effective as great works of art!

Basically the treasure map should show you in your ideal scene, with your goal fully realized.

I think it's a neat idea and a good way to always keep my goals close at hand. I'll have to work on mine later today. I'm not sure if I'll do it on the computer or just by hand, but I'll try to post a pic once it's all done. I think I might do mine in scrapbook form on a 12x12 paper. We shall see. But, while I don't have my map done, I can share a few of my goals for the year. My big one is TIME MANAGEMENT!! This may come as a surprise for a lot of you because if you know me you know I am VERY organized. My favorite store if Office Max and I love anything to do with filing and organizing. But that's all the "stuff", when it comes to time it's another story. I need to learn how to compartmentalize my day the way I do my desk. I just get sidetracked with random tasks, or get sucked in "surfing" the web during my "free" time and then don't end up getting things done that I wanted to do (like blog or answer email). So that is my big goal, because I am sure once I figure that out, I'll feel like my day is much more productive and I'll get more done.

Okay, well I think that is it for me today. I hope you all had a nice New Years Eve. Ours was pretty laid back. We had a few friends over for dinner, but they were all gone by around 9:30, and then we got the kiddos to bed and actually were in bed ourselves before 11. I know, didn't even stay up to greet the new year, but I was beat after a long day of running around with the kiddos, cooking and cleaning. HAPPY 2009 Everyone!!!


Kristen said...

Happy New Year! We had a pretty low key one as well. We did ring in the new year, but it was in bed watching HGTV! Boy are we getting old! LOL! We had some people over today for lunch and then we rested the rest of the day. I am about to write a good post on the earlier part of the week, so that should explain why we needed the rest. Anyway, here is to a good new year! Cheers!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

You're not alone! We were in bed asleep between 10 and 11 sometime! Its not like there was a ball to watch drop or anything for us so we just crashed!

Love the new look, great colors!

Hope 09 is wonderful for ya'll!

Anonymous said...

dang, I finally got to sleep at 5AM! blah I think it is still kicking my butt though so I much rather would have been in bed asleep trust me. well onto post about the partayyy! :)

Anonymous said...

dang, I finally got to sleep at 5AM! blah I think it is still kicking my butt though so I much rather would have been in bed asleep trust me. well onto post about the partayyy! :)