Tuesday, April 15, 2008

lunch bunch

Well last weeks lunch with you all was so nice that i decided to do it again! I'm currently enjoying some popcorn and a random vegetable soup I threw together. I was going to have just tomato but there were some cooked veggies in the fridge that needed to go as well, so those got thrown into the pot. Add a bit of salt/pepper and some seasoning and I was good to go. A bit random yes, but I am trying to use up everything I can! I hate the idea of throwing food away, so we are slowly making our way through the fridge and freezer! Let me just say our menu for the rest of the week is...well...creative...yes we will go with that.

It's chilly here today! I know, you probably think I'm being spoiled, but it's only in the mid 50's which for April in south GA is pretty unusual. But it worked out well for our park play date this morning. There were NO GNATS and as long as the sun was out it was pleasant. I wasn't going to go because we have so much to do, but the boys needed to get some fresh air, and it was nice to see my friends that I probably won't have a chance to see again before we leave. And speaking of friends, check out hot shot with his friend Mr. B. These two have been buddies since before they were even born! B's mom and I were preggers at the same time with these two and they are just a few months apart, so they have been buddies before they even knew what buddies were all about. We are sure going to miss all of them! Hopefully we will stay in touch!

Today is another busy one. After the boys get up from their naps we are heading out to pick up medical records from various locations and then its off to the store to buy a few necessities (milk, diapers, etc.). Then it's home for dinner. Oh, and a stop at Sally's to look for a small barrel curling iron to use on my hair for the ball. I toyed with the idea of having someone do it, but really, it's such a waste of money. For less than 1/2 of what I would pay I can get a new curling iron (that I can and will use again) and do it myself. Sure, it won't be anything great or spectacular, but it will be good enough for me. Last year I just wore it down, and most of the people there did the same. There were only a few people who actually looked like they had theirs "done". Sorry...sort of started rambling there.

Well kids. I am now done with my lunch, and as much as I would love to hang out here the rest of the afternoon, I must get back to making some calls and continue with the preparations for the move! Hope you all are having a splendid day and I'll be back tomorrow! XOXO - kp


Anonymous said...

Cute pix! Interesting lunch choice! :)

I'll trade you your "chilly" 50 degrees for our "warm" 50 degrees. But not the gnats. Or as Dawn would call them...the "eff" buggies! (I'll keep it clean!)

Anonymous said...

50 my ass, its been 29 here, this is just crazy. but i know your in ga and all so it shouldnt be chilly. haha. just saying hi and letting you know i am up to speed on life of the powells these days. good luck with the packing and the big move! i hope to talk to you some where in between!