Monday, July 28, 2008

the Monday report...

Hello there! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I'm sort of all over the place today, so I don't know how exciting this is going to be, but I'll give it a go anyway.

The munchkin is WALKING!!! Not all the time yet, but he will take anywhere from 5-10 steps to get somewhere and every day he is doing more!! It's so cute to watch him toddle around!

My other big news is that I ran 13 miles this weekend - all at once. That was pretty exciting. I was a little slower than my last long run, but it was my first ever attempt at number 13 so I am happy with it. My longest run before this one was 10 miles two weeks ago. Next week I think I drop down to 10 again before working back up to 15!! WOAH! You think a lot while you are out running for all those miles, and here are a few things I realized:

- I might not be an early morning person, but running alongside a lake with the sun rising and the world waking up around you is pretty cool.
- Need to bring more sport beans with me next time
- I really want to go shopping!!
- I hope the photo biz starts picking up soon
- I am a really positive person - but I think that maybe it annoys other people sometimes
- Around mile 9: Hmmmm 9 miles = about 900 calories...maybe that chocolate peanut butter banana milkshake I had last night won't decide to take up a permanent residence on my rear after all! ;)
- Need to get some new tunes for the old iPod
- Mile 12: Oh my goodness I can't believe that I am actually going to make it to 13!!!

So there ya have it...the very deep thoughts of yours truly when out by herself for over 2 hours on the road!

I'm a little bummed today because I found out that one of my bestest friends Sam is POSSIBLY (I'm doing that positive thing again!) moving to Guam. This makes me very sad. Yes, some would say its selfish for ME to be sad when it is HER that is moving so far away, but seriously...that's a long ass way away!! Sam if you're reading I am coming for a visit soon (well if that is okay) so start looking at your calendar.

We got a new bed!!! Well we don't have it yet, but we went and purchased it and it will be here, along with a headboard/foot board on Thursday!! I can't wait. Ours is probably a good 15 years old, and we both wake up achy every morning and have trouble getting to sleep, so we figured it was time. I went and picked up some new sheets for it this morning, because it's a king and our current bed is a queen.

If you or anyone you know is in need of a new winter coat, go to Dicks sporting goods ASAP!! They have last years coats on sale right now, and they are marked down 50% off the sale price. I got the big C a Columbia coat that was originally $140.00 for $39 bucks!!! It was a STEAL!!! Of course I think it may be a little big yet by the time winter rolls around, but whatever, for that price I'll hang onto it for next year because living here I know we will need it!!

Okay, well I think that's all for now. Check back tomorrow for something different! :) Hope you all had a great weekend and a good start to your week!


Kristen said...

Hey lady! Glad to see the little one is walking! So exciting! It is so hard to imagine that they are as old and as big as they are! Where does the time go??? Congrats on the long run by the way.

Anonymous said...

Ok, third time's a charm trying to post a comment! Sheesh!

Great job on the run! Now you know it'll be smooth sailing for your upcoming half! You'll be faster than you think. Your LSD runs should be around a minute slower than your anticipated marathon pace.

Thanks for the tip on Dick's, there's one 5 miles away, will have to look!

Guam won't be so bad but it is pretty much far from , well, anything and everything except snakes and strip joints! ha ha!

WAHOO...way to go munchkin! Kid on the move, kid on the move!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the 13 miles! and alos wow, Mason is walking! thats just crazyness. I can't wait to come and visit, i totally need to plan a trip here soon so that i can come see you all. for real. i will try to work something out and let you know the days so that you can let me know if they will work. also i cant beleive you run that far have come such a long way, and its great exercise, you look great girly!