Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Tuesdays at the table!!! Sam has been doing this for a few weeks now, and she invited others to join in...so that is exactly what I am doing!! From now on Tuesday's will be featuring some of the dishes I've been serving up to my crew. And if you want to check out what some other's are cooking up...cruise over to Sam's blog to check out what else is cookin'. And if you would like to join in, shoot her a message and feel free to join in the fun!!

First up is a good summer dinner!! We had turkey burgers on whole grain buns, oven sweet potato "chips" and watermelon. It was quick, easy and really yummy. Everyone enjoyed it - even the munchkin! AND it was healthy.

The next isn't what I would call healthy, but it was delicious! I was struck with one of my baking itches so I raided the pantry to see what I could make...found lots of the normal stuff...and OH...what's that?? A whole jar of Nutella...hmmmmm. So here you have it: Nutella cookie bars, served up warm with vanilla bean ice cream. YUM!!! These didn't get to stay here, they were sent off the next day with Mr. M to work but I highly recommend them!!

Okay, well there you have it, my first post of Tuesday's at the Table. If you want any of my recipes you see, just let me know. I probably won't post recipes just to save time, but I'll be happy to email you them if you are interested! That's it for tonight...hope you all are having a good week so far!!


Anonymous said...

OMG those cookie bars have me wanting to fire up my oven RIGHT NOW! I bet they were amazing! And I really want to try that turkey burger recipe. Yours look wonderful! Thanks for joining it! Love ya...I'm seriously off to bed now!

blunoz said...

That looks and sounds really good. Flashback - I recently opted for a "turkey burger" at Ruby Tuesday thinking I was being "good." It actually tasted fantastic and I enjoyed it tremendously. Then I got home and looked up the nutrition information on the internet to find out just how "good" I was and found out it was actually really really BAD for me.
Anyway, do you have a link for where you got your turkey burger recipe from?

Anonymous said...

wow looks yummy. those sweet potato chips looked fun, were they good? are they sweet? hmmm i wish you lived close so that you could feed me and bake for me! :) hehe

Anonymous said...

now i am caught up again! :) go read mine, i put up some more. and miss ya. we need to chat soon! :) can you beleive that the beginning of August It will have been ONE whole YEAR since I have seen you... :( sad terribly sad, but hey i'm coming soon to visiit, i hope.

Anonymous said...

checkin in again, but your on Tuesday my dear...;) haha jk. well gots to go to sleep now i am super tured, its like 12 37am or something so gnight talk soon and ill come look again for new posts and mine has some too. bye girly.