Monday, July 21, 2008

this and that

Wow, I can't believe I only posted once last week...

In my defense it was a busy busy week. We had VBS every morning. Left the house around 8:30 didn't get home until after noon, then it was lunch and get the boys down for naps, then clean up/get things get the idea...busy. I do have some pictures, but right now I am using the hubby's computer so I'll have to post them later.

We had a nice weekend, but busy busy. Friday I went out to dinner with a friend while hubs took the boys to a birthday party at our neighbors house. I came home and joined the fun, we had our weekly "patio sit" on the driveway with the firepit, roasted marshmallows, had some drinks. It's great, the adults sit around and chat, the kids run around and play games, we all have a good time.

Got to bed late friday, and the boys slept in sat. morning, so even though I knew i would pay for it later with the heat, I put off my morning run. At 9 I had a photo shoot which went really well. I'm going to start proofing her pictures here later this afternoon, but I think we got some really great ones!! After that we went to the farmers market, loaded up on tons of local fresh veggies, and then got some lunch. We came home and all 4 of us napped and didn't wake up until 4:30!!!! WOWZA!!

I did end up running around 8 - it was still in the 90's even with the sun going down, but I made it! This week was a cut back week, so I only had to do 8 miles, which I was thankful for. But I won't be putting my runs off in the AM again until the weather starts to turn cooler!! Came home from my run close to 10 and no one was home, so I jumped in the shower and then went over to our neighbors house figuring that's where they would be (good thing I was right!!)

Church on Sunday, big C got to sing along with all the other VBS kiddos, so that was pretty darn cute! Then we went to our weekly brunch and then home. Also went to the grocery store, and got some stuff done around the house. All in all it was a great weekend!!

So that's my not very exciting update on what is going on around here. The kids are doing great. The munchkin is working on a few teeth, and has taken a few more steps on his own. I think he could do it, but he's content to crawl for the time being, and that's okay by me. Big C had a blast last week at VBS. It was really an awesome thing to be a part of and I am glad I was able to help out. I also made a new friend while I was there, so that's pretty cool!! Next month he will be starting soccer, so that should be a good time!

Oh, I watched the movie P.S. I love you the other night, it was very cute. A little slow in spots, but I enjoyed it. It's rare that we actually sit and watch movies anymore, but we did, and this one was pretty okay, just in case you were wondering.

Well, don't really have a whole lot to update on. I'll try to be better this week about posting. Hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job weathering the run...temps and humidity are rough to deal with.

Sounds like your day to day is really nice, especially the patio sits and the time with friends!