Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I have a little photographer in the making. I wish I had a picture to show you, but my oldest these days has taken quite an interest in the art of photography. Maybe it is just because he sees me do it all the time, or perhaps its a genuine interest, but it's fun none the less. He walks around with his little digital camera that my parents gave him last year for Christmas and takes pictures of things that he likes. A few of his favorites are pictures of the dogs, the hubs and I, and his little brother, as well as one that he took of the TV while his favorite show was on. He also likes to use the camera on my phone and as a result I have quite a few masterpieces on there as well.

At first I didn't think much of it, but it was this morning when he was taking great care to arrange a small toy pool table (about the size of my hand) on my bed to get the perfect shot that I thought to myself..."self: it looks like you may have a little shutter bug on your hands". Of course nothing would make me happier for my little guy to share in my love of photography as he gets older. But interests do change, however for now, I'm happy to have a fellow photographer in the house!

In other news, we are still waiting to hear anything about the inspection we had this weekend. They only have 10 days I think, and we signed all that stuff early last week so hopefully we will hear something soon. I think Friday is their last day. So, I'll keep you all posted!

The next two weeks are going to be a bit crazy around here. But I guess that really isn't much different from the norm. This weekend is our big run, and then next weekend is the DSF Auction that I talk about every year, the following weekend is full of change of command ceremonies and parties, and then I think after that, things calm down for a little while, but will get crazy again because we will be moving sometime in mid-late april!!! WOAH! Will know more on that when Matt finds us a place and we know when we are moving in.

Okay, well that about does it for me. Hope you all are having a super week so far and I'll be back tomorrow! XOXO ~ kp


Kristen said...

We got our Change of Command invite in last week or so. We are going to D.C that weekend for a mini-vacation so we will not be able to attend but it was nice to be though of. I hope Matt finds you guys a great place and good luck on the inspection. Ours had minor stuff that came back and since we did not have termites it only cost about $150 to fix every thing. Since you guys have taken such good care of the place you should have nothing to worry about. Good luck.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

How cool is that?!

I'm so excited for ya'll this weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

wow i have missed a bunch. congrats on your run thats awesome. thast such a great accomplishment. yes, i hope that everything goes as planned on friday with the house, i am waiting too, the bank is just taking foreve,r adn we havent even heard anything and we cant do the inspection until then, and we are suppoed to close on the 31st? but we havent heard anything. oh well i guess we'll just see how it goes, i am off today so i thought i woudl say what up. your pioctures are great, your little ones are soooo cute. so you call caleb the big kid now? haha :) now that you have two. and mason is the munchkin. haha. he is getting so big. its crazy. hes so funny. always smiling, what a cutie. well i hope you understand all that, bc i didnt spell check as usual! ;) bye