Thursday, March 13, 2008

survey says...

Survey day!! Wahooo. But first a little update...we got the house that I was talking about yesterday! So, now we have a place to live and we can start working on getting the move figured out!! Very exciting!

1) Happiest moment of 2008 so far? I don't know that I can pin-point one. So far 2008 has been pretty great! Although buying my first pair of size 6 jeans today since high school was pretty cool :).

2) What did you wake up to this morning? Which time?? The munchkin crying because he was hungry around 5 was probably the most accurate.

3) Who were you with last night? my cutie boys

4) Would you kiss the last person you texted? probably not. The last person to text me was Justin's brother and that would be just all kinds of strange!!!

5) When is the last time you cried yourself to sleep? I dunno

6.) What are you listening to? The munchkin babbling and playing with his toys on the bed next to me

7) Who can you tell anything to? the hubs, nat, sam

8) Do you know anyone named Pj? my sister used to have a friend that was called PJ

9) Who is your last phone call with? my sweet hubby just called

10) What's the last thing you said/typed? the last answer

11) How's life? Great!!! My life is incredibly blessed!!!

12) Last time you cried? I think watching the Notebook a few weeks ago

13) Why? see above

14) Have you ever thrown up? who hasn't??

15) Who was the person you first liked? Ben Lewis (don't ask me how I still remember his name) he was my kindergarten crush.

16) Do you love anyone who's name starts with an L? yea, my dad's name starts with an L and my MIL as well.

17) Are you happy? sure am!!!

18) Are you excited about anything? Moving out west and into our new place!!!

20) What were you doing at 2 in the morning? Sleeping

21) Do you have any text messages saved on your phone? yes because I don't know how to delete them...I am not a "texter"

22) Who are they from? Lots of people

23) Do they say anything important? Probably not.

24) Do you enjoy life? Very much so

26) Would you take a bullet for anyone? yes, my kids for one

27) What are you listening to? Didn't I already answer this??

28) Do you like it? Sure

29) What time is it? 8:39pm

30) Have you ever took medicine that wasn't prescribed to you? Not that I know of

*I don't know what happened to 31*

32) Are you surprised about something? No

33) Is there anyone who doesn't like you? There are probably people who don't like me. Do I care? Not at all.

34) Do you feel bad because someone doesn't like you? Not so much.

35) In your household who do you argue with the most? I don't really argue, but I guess my hubby would win out because the munchkin doesn't talk and there is just no arguing with a three year old.

36) Do you love anyone? Of course!

37) What's the worst thing about hugs? People invading my personal space

38) What did yesterday consist of? Dropping off and picking up the big kid from pre-school, walking group, picking out plants at the nursery for the auction, a worthless trip to jax, home, dinner, baths, stories, and all that fun mommy stuff.

39). Did you talk to anybody random yesterday? Not that I recall

40) Did any particular thing brighten up your day? My little ones

41) What's the stupidest thing you've ever done? Way too many to list here

42) If you could kill anyone right now who would it be? I'm not into homicide.

43) When was the last time you went ice skating? it's been a long long time!

44) Describe the perfect girlfriend/boyfriend in 2 words: Smart/Funny

45) Your team loses; are you watching the next game? If it's the Buckeyes!

46) Who was the last person you hugged? my little hot shot

47 Last person to make you smile?My sweet little boys

48) Someone trips in front of you-what do you do? Probably laugh, but only if they aren't really hurt, and offer to help them up.

49) Have you ever failed a class? No, I had brief moments of "failing" though but pulled up my grade before the end.

50). A person says they like you, you say? Thanks, but I'm taken.

51). Do you like cuddling? Not really, and only for small amounts of time, and not if its too hot.

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